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Charybdis Builds & Guides

Greek Hunter Ranged Physical
Find the best Charybdis build guides for SMITE Patch 12.1. You will find builds for arena, joust, and conquest. However you choose to play Charybdis, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the SMITE S12 meta and your chosen game mode. Learn Charybdis' skills, stats and more.
Top Rated Guides Newest Guides

Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds // Patch 12.1 & Patch 11.12

35 Votes 17
 Build Guide
Grandmaster Charybdis ADC GUIDE
by TottiGR | Updated December 29, 2024
Guide In-Depth
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
ADC Assault Mode 1
by SiLENC3 | Updated February 4, 2025

Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds

9 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Grandmaster Charybdis Ranked Conquest Carry
by AceCham3leon | Updated May 11, 2024
4 Votes 1
 Build Guide
A curious crit build
by Alex54315 | Updated April 28, 2024
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Chardy Bi
by Skvirtonit | Updated December 10, 2024
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Charybdis carry
by Gh0sted136 | Updated December 7, 2024

Smite 1: Year 10 Guides & Builds

29 Votes 3
 Build Guide
Tank Destoyer Build 10.4
by ZevSK2001 | Updated April 18, 2023
20 Votes 2
 Build Guide
[10.1] Charybdis Tank Destroyer
by penimucher | Updated February 28, 2023
Guide Mobile
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Char Conquest
by Jorm Was not Paid | Updated July 14, 2023
85 Votes 17
 Build Guide
Char (10.9)
by JJustin | Updated August 31, 2023
6 Votes 2
 Build Guide
[10.4] Charybdis | JoShMiQueL Builds
by JoShMiQueL | Updated May 6, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
[10.1] Charybdis / Did I do that?
by TrashEater | Updated February 26, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Charybdis joust
by KeeperofKalamax | Updated November 24, 2023
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Charybdis Carry build Conquest
by Xuro | Updated April 18, 2023

Smite 1: Year 9 Guides & Builds

22 Votes 4
 Build Guide
Charybdis Season 9 (ADC/Carry)
by InfernoBoy98X | Updated March 21, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Sea Warden - Charybdis S9 Build
by Parallax Joker | Updated March 1, 2022
7 Votes 3
 Build Guide
Maaawww Yeeaahh (I'm sorry) - Charybdis Arena/Joust
by MrCannonballs | Updated April 29, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Charybdis 01/02/22
by MigueLVallejoS | Updated February 1, 2022
1 Votes 5
 Build Guide
Charybdis Mid / Carry S9 Mid Season
by Tante Poeme | Updated August 4, 2022

Smite 1: Year 8 Guides & Builds

55 Votes 11
 Build Guide
8.12 ADC // Charybdis Build + Guide
by Mimikyute | Updated January 14, 2022
Guide In-Depth
Favor: 5500 Gems: 200

Charybdis Statistics

440 (+77) Health
220 (+38) Mana
365 (+0) Speed
1/1/.4/.4/.4x Progression
55 (+0) Range
1 (+2) Attack / Sec
33 (+ 2.6) + 100% of your Physical Power Damage

Charybdis Skills

Charybdis Skill Raging Tides

Raging TidesPassive

Charybdis' attack speed increases as her Tide increases. Successful Basic Attack hits increase her Tide. Charybdis deals less damage with item effect procs.

Ability Type: Buff
Tide Attack Speed: Attack speed increases up to 10% +0.75% per level, at max Tide
Reduction: Item damage reduced by 20%
Basic Attacks: 3% Tide on Hit
Charybdis Skill Spike Shot

Spike Shot

1 X
Charybdis reveals The Maw as it fires large spikes for a short duration dealing Basic Attack damage. These projectiles pass through minions and are wider and faster than normal Basic Attacks.
On hitting enemy gods and walls, the spikes splinter dealing additional damage.

Ability Type: Ranged Basic, Buff, Damage
Minion Damage: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100% Scaling
Splinter Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+25% of your Physical Power)
Splinter Tide: 3% Tide per hit
Duration: 4s
Range: 55
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Charybdis Skill Capsize


2 A
Charybdis absorbs water from around her before firing a quick blast from The Maw. Enemies are hit by a rapidly decaying Slow and Physical Protection debuff.
This ability can be channeled for longer, consuming Tide on fire, to become wider, strengthen the debuff effects and deal more damage.

Ability Type: Cone, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+85% of your Physical Power)
Extra Scaling: 30%
Slow: 40% on max Tide
Physical Protection Reduction: 40% on max Tide
Duration: 4s on max Tide
Range: 45
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12
Charybdis Skill Whirlpool Form

Whirlpool Form

3 B
Charybdis dives into a whirlpool she creates, expanding and revealing the terrifying Maw. Charybdis deals damage to enemies caught in the area.
This ability can be amplified by toggling it again and spending 30% Tide. Doing so increases the damage dealt as well as providing Movement Speed, extra damage, and a knockup on exiting.
While submerged, Charybdis is untargetable and immune to damage for up to 3s.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 (+5% of your Physical Power) every 0.5s
Amplified Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+10% of your Physical Power) every 0.5s
Exit Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Amplified Movement Speed: 25%
Radius: 15
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 17 / 16.5 / 16 / 15.5 / 15s
Charybdis Skill The Maw Hungers

The Maw Hungers

4 Y
Charybdis reveals her true nature, becoming immune to Crowd Control for the next 6s, and gaining movement speed. She may make one powerful attack as The Maw charges forward, damaging and carrying back enemies hit before chomping down, damaging again and stunning. If she kills an enemy god with the attack, she gains another 6s and may attack again.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Charge Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+20% of your Physical Power)
Bite Damage: 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 (+150% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 35%
Stun Duration: 1.3s
Range: 70
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Charybdis Lore

The dangers of the sea are many, but few so fearsome as the creature known as Charybdis. Ancient poems and songs speak of the destruction she has wreaked on any ship unlucky enough to pass too close to her turbulent waters.

A sister in spirit if not blood to the nightmarish Scylla, Charybdis is a smasher of vessels where Scylla is an eater of men. She catches them in her whirlpool and breaks them into flinders, before drawing the pitiful remnants into the depths.

Once a daughter of Poseidon, she had the temerity to aid her father in his perennial feud with his brother, Zeus. At Poseidon's behest, she used her control over the waters to engulf those lands closest to the sea - including those that belonged to Zeus.

This encroachment so angered the King of Olympus that he captured Charybdis. But such as Zeus' wrath that he did not settle for mere imprisonment - rather, he transformed Charybdis into her current monstrous form as punishment for her defiance. He then cast her into the waters of a narrow strait, opposite the similarly cursed Scylla, and there chained her to the sea bed.

In the centuries since, Charybdis has taken out her frustrations upon any who dared pass over the swirling waters that hid her now-hideous form. The whirlpools created from her unquenchable thirst either crushed ships, or drove them into the teeth of Scylla. Together, the two terrorized the waters of their imprisoning strait - until, that is, Scylla was freed to bring horror to the lands of the gods. Charybdis was left alone.

But now, the chains that have held her fast since Zeus first cast her down have been broken. And mighty Charybdis is free at last to vent her rage on the gods who mistreated her so cruelly...

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