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He Bo Builds & Guides

Chinese Mage Ranged Magical
Find the best He Bo build guides for SMITE Patch 12.1. You will find builds for arena, joust, and conquest. However you choose to play He Bo, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the SMITE S12 meta and your chosen game mode. Learn He Bo's skills, stats and more.
Top Rated Guides Newest Guides

Smite 1: Year 11 Guides & Builds

Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Quick He Bo Conquest Guide
by Kriega1 | Updated February 11, 2024
Guide In-Depth

Smite 1: Year 10 Guides & Builds

176 Votes 31
 Build Guide
Those who oppose me shall be swept aside! Year 10 - Season of Monsters - updated (Joust)
by TangoDownY3k | Updated March 7, 2023
Guide In-Depth
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
He Bo SPL Builds
by DV-8 | Updated September 10, 2023

Smite 1: Year 9 Guides & Builds

5 Votes 1
 Build Guide
Jungle S9.4
by vibrant | Updated April 25, 2022
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
H2-Oh no (Meme Build)
by SleepGoblin | Updated March 16, 2022
4 Votes 3
 Build Guide
Hebo, Master of the Rivers (S9, 9.5)
by TheEinherjar | Updated May 25, 2022

Smite 1: Year 8 Guides & Builds

Rating Pending
 Build Guide
He bo 01/07/21
by MigueLVallejoS | Updated July 1, 2021
3 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Hebo solo
by Big_mowi4011 | Updated November 13, 2021
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
jungle HE BO
by NF700S | Updated June 12, 2021
5 Votes 7
 Build Guide
Penta Potential (Mid wrecker)
by cowgomoo | Updated February 24, 2021
Guide Mobile

Smite 1: Year 7 Guides & Builds

11 Votes 3
 Build Guide
Ha Boa - Complete He Bo Mid Guide. The Dive / Anti Dive Mage
by iGodOfFight | Updated June 16, 2020
Guide In-Depth
6 Votes 2
 Build Guide
He Bo Jungle (3 separate builds)
by Reenaa | Updated November 7, 2020
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
He Bo Jungle Build by GeneralFear
by GeneralFear | Updated September 14, 2020

Smite 1: Year 6 Guides & Builds

Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Season 6 He Bo Build for MId in Conquest
by Johnizdaboss | Updated May 30, 2019
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
by Lordendermen | Updated August 10, 2019

Smite 1: Year 5 Guides & Builds

Rating Pending
 Build Guide
The LASBRA Jungle Guide - He Bo (S5)
by TheCakeBaker | Updated May 1, 2018
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
He Bo season 5 build arena
by stefooz123 | Updated March 26, 2018
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
OP Mode
by NoS Dope | Updated May 25, 2018
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
He Bo
by TheHeroPanda | Updated February 22, 2018
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
aqua man himself - he bo
by sonergfx | Updated August 4, 2018
Favor: 5500 Gems: 200

He Bo Statistics

425 (+75) Health
298 (+56) Mana
360 (+0) Speed
None Progression
55 (+0) Range
1 (+1) Attack / Sec
34 (+ 1.45) + 20% of Magical Power Damage

He Bo Skills

He Bo Skill Steady Flow

Steady FlowPassive

Each time He Bo uses an ability, he gains the Steady Flow buff which increases his magical power. The timer refreshes when another ability is used.

Ability Type: Buff
Magical Power Buff: 5%
Duration: 5s
Max Stacks: 3
He Bo Skill Water Cannon

Water Cannon

1 X
He Bo fires a short burst of water from his sleeves, damaging all enemies in front of him. Lane Minions and Jungle Camps take an extra 20% damage.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+80% of your Magical Power)
Range: 35
Cost: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80
Cooldown: 4s
He Bo Skill Atlas of the Yellow River

Atlas of the Yellow River

2 A
He Bo unfurls his scroll in a line, releasing the flood waters. Allies on the water are immune to slows and move faster, while enemies are slowed.

Ability Type: Line, Buff
Slow Debuff: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Speed Buff: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Lifetime: 7s
Range: 80
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
He Bo Skill Waterspout


3 B
He Bo calls forth a geyser, causing it to burst out with tremendous force at his target location, damaging enemies while knocking them into the air.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Range/Radius: 55/10
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85
Cooldown: 10s
He Bo Skill Crushing Wave

Crushing Wave

4 Y
He Bo transforms into a wave and crashes forward, damaging all enemies in his path.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage: 370 / 450 / 530 / 610 / 690 (+115% of your Magical Power)
Range: 55
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

He Bo Lore

As God of the Yellow River, He-Bo tamed the massive and turbulent waters with humility and sacrifice. Now, the forces of the great river are at his command!

Throughout history, no river has been the source of more nourishment or more destruction than China's Yellow River. Its basin valley was the cradle that birthed Chinese civilization, feeding fields with water and millions of tons of collected sediments, which give the river its yellow hue. The river is also treacherous and prone to flooding, destroying shoreline settlements and drowning thousands.

Long ago, Feng Yi, a mortal man living along the riverside, watched in dismay as a storm stirred the waters and gorged the banks. It would not be long before this mighty river consumed his village. Both humble and wise, Feng Yi tied rocks to his belt before casting himself into the waters. This act of sacrifice did more than appease the angry river, it promoted Feng Yi to Godhood over it. Thus, he became He Bo.

Much time passed, and He Bo grew proud of his great river, so proud that he declared the Yellow River the biggest body of water anywhere. A passerby asked if He Bo had seen the North Sea, but He Bo dismissed the comment, for heavy rains were falling and the river was roaring and full. As time wore on, thought of the North Sea tickled his mind, so he made the journey. There, the Dragon King of the Northern Sea warmly met him. Viewing the endless expanse of water, He Bo was humbled and returned to his River wiser.

For He Bo, there are no greater virtues than wisdom and humility. With the force of the Yellow River at his command, He Bo will remind his enemies what it means to be humble.

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