August 24, 2019

Arena Match: Pros Taking It Easy

Views: 2942 Branmuffin17
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sLainy  |  fineokay  |  PolarBearMike  |  Arena  |  Hou Yi  |  scared
I wasn't the reason we won, and it was an extremely close game in the end (thought we were done for), but it was a bit nerve-wracking seeing PolarBearMike, fineokay, and sLainy's names pop up on the opposing team.

I don't play Hou Yi much and forgot a couple of times that I had my ult available and that it's really good for teamfights XD. Also, my game decided to crash in the middle of the match. Was able to get back into the game in about 2 minutes, but still...this is the only game that ever crashes on me these days...

Was a fun match. Glad the pros took it easy.