That said, I guess I will comment on one recent Conquest match. Got to play this one with Stuke, Zilby, and Greenevers. I chose Athena Support, and it was an ugly thing (1/5/8). Bad choices on when to initiate. At one point, I saw our guys getting destroyed, and I got there too late. Thing is, in my head, I felt I needed to at least make an attempt, but at the point when I actually initiated the taunt, I think I was the last one standing. Slow reaction time, or something. Zilby was like "why did you taunt them?!?" because I basically had 3 guys basic attacking me via the taunt, while I should have just retreated.
Oh, and actually, there was this other one, where I got to play with GameGeekFan, who is a solid jungler. But...1/8/11 with Khepri. Again feel like I'm going backward.
Which got me to thinking...what was it about playing with Ducks where I was doing so well? The first, and most obvious answer, is that he plays an extremely aggressive game, and also recognizes opportunities really well. I didn't even have to say anything and he was there pretty much every time I got a pull or whatever. Also helps that his skill level seems high, and he hits a bunch of his abilities. Doesn't help when I miss the pull, which happened multiple times in the match mentioned above. a god that's more on the passive side really the best style for me? Khepri is a pretty safe pick. So is Athena, but I just can't seem to do that well with her. Would a more aggressive god be better? Would I do more with Kumbhakarna or Ymir? I don't want to play Sobek or Ares. I do admit I really like ***bha, but I like Cricket's kit too.
And maybe I need to branch out more. Although I want to be better at Support, maybe some rounds as ADC, Mid (which I've never played), or Solo might do me some good. Maybe solo-queuing might work better for me, instead of bothering the SF group. Maybe playing Freya or Loki, who I'm generally comfortable with, in a Jungle role, might actually work. I dunno. Just looking at my current streak of games, all my negative K/D (most of them lately), and getting a bit discouraged again.
Or maybe you would be more comfortable playing with more defensive support, like Geb or Sylvanus.
I like the kits of Athena, Khepri, Kumbhakarna, and Bacchus (mostly because I'm very familiar with his kit, e.g. my guide). That said, I think Bacchus might be a bit TOO aggressive for my taste in Conquest, and I just suck so bad with Athena, who really needs better awareness to make the most of her ult to support teammates.
So, right now, it's sort of between Khepri and Kumbhakarna. You suggested ***bha, and I might try that next time. His CC and escape ability is incredible, and I'm comfortable with his kit as well. But I want to get better with Cricket too.
This is what duo lane makes even more difficult if the adc and support playstyle don't really match. (both in player mentality and god play style)