A Quick Blurb On Being An ADC
So yeah, just going to summarize some horrible games I had attempting to play ADC Apollo 3 days ago. Granted, these were the first I played as him, and am just not very familiar with his kit.
- 2/5/3 Win
- 3/8/8 Loss
- 0/0/1 Win
- 4/9/1 Loss
Special thanks to AscendingBrohan for being nice and teaming up with me to duo and try to help me out (didn't work, but appreciated nonetheless).
Among my biggest, repeating issues, include not dashing from the fountain to get back to lane more quickly, being overaggressive when I have an obvious disadvantage, not going back to base when I'm too hurt to do anything except die, etc. I recorded some of these, and Bull was kind enough to review and point out every one of my mistakes. I could make a separate post just on his feedback, lol.
I'll try it again sometime, as I think I won't make some of those same mistakes again, but it'll take teaming with someone that knows what they're getting into.
Before I get into the meat, just want to say I solo-queued, and ended up as Khepri Support the night before. My score wasn't amazing, but I did fairly well, and it was the longest game I've ever played, I think. 1 hour, 2 minutes. 5/13/29.
Anyway, last night was fairly productive. Per Bullfrog's suggestion, I decided I should hone my skills in one role to start, and then branch out from there. Teamed with him and Ducks, and later on, with Ferrum as well.
Game #1: Khepri Support
Solid start. My early game with Ducks = Rocks. We (okay, Ducks as Jing Wei) got 2 kills before 2 minutes was up, and 3 by 2:20. We were facing Medusa and Khepri, and definitely had the upper hand there.
Bullfrog was Janus in Mid. He says he's still learning how to play him, but he looked solid to me. Timely ult use.
Both Ducks and Bull had great games. Ducks went 21/6/8, and Bullfrog went 14/5/9.
I had some timely saves with my ult...I still miss here and there, but it's definitely getting easier and more natural to use for me. He's still only at Mastery 1, but I can say I'm comfortable with him now.
Final score: 0/7/19. Gameplay video with below.
Game #2: Khepri Support
Enemy Skadi, Athena in duo. A better enemy Ratatoskr. Game over. Ducks was pretty much screaming about OP Rat like he was Stuke. Problem was, we had a Rat too, but he said he was having lag issues or something. Enemy Rat went 13/0/10.
Final score: 1/7/6. Meh.
Game #3: Khepri Support
(unknown embed type)/smite/god/cabrakan-57Game #4: Khepri Support
Another quick summary of the match. Our Solo lane Bellona said at the start that she was having some major lag issues. Immediately, our Jungler Thor was toxic and said to just drop out because she would feed. Toxic the entire time, it was horrible to hear. Bull wondered why we surrendered, as we weren't down too much at the 13 minute mark (6 kills to 9 deaths), but the rest of us were tired of hearing that Thor.
Final score: 0/0/2.
Game #4: Khepri Support
This was such a great game. Ducks isn't the only good ADC, but he's also a great Mid/ Scylla ( Soul Stone + Potion of Magical Might = OP). Bull showed me how to actually play Apollo. And Ferrum, who after looking at stats has apparently played even less Conquest than I have, was a solid - if insecure - Jungler.
Ferrum wasn't really sure where he should be going, but he was super solid. He even apologized in the middle of the match for running around, and we were like..."for what???" He went 5/1/2. Horrible, Ferrum, just horrible.
Final score: 1/0/12. Gameplay video with commentary below.
All in all, even when I'm getting beaten, I'm not feeling so out of place or lost anymore. Definitely more comfortable, at least with Khepri. After I've got it mostly down, the next step should be for me to start using other Support gods, to start branching out. And then to start playing other roles...still a long way to go. How many episodes will this blog be?
Plus, the enemy Bastet was way worse xD
You can also always look back on my streams when I ADC and see what I do there, but that may or may not be as effective as just laning with me anyways.
In any case, keep on improving bran! :]
I'll check some of your past streams out too. But we should just team up sometime anyway =)
Your night- My late morning...
Edit: means that i am only able to play on saturdays, however, holidays and summer break coming up soon so timezones won't be that much of a problem soon.