Played a few rounds with Soren the other night.
This one was the first, and I guess Soren wanted to brag and show off or something, because he chose his favorite rodent. Playing with him, I didn't want to screw something up, which is why I just chose fill...and of course ended up as Support.
One interesting thing is that pretty much everyone ACTUALLY CALLED ROLES. And there was a bit more talking/communication was amazing. Sad that I'm so happy to see that.
7/0/6 ain't too bad, while my Bacchus score of 1/3/7 with lowest gold income feels very familiar overall. Hmmm. Still fighting the controls a bit, but I'm feeling like I can use that excuse less and less. Not too bad when I was the only non-level 30...then again, even that's not quite right. My knowledge level is absolutely level 30, so...
FYI, Smite Guru is messed up...I definitely did more damage than 468 (LOL). Others have reported similar issues. It looks like it's messed up on reporting correct numbers in all of these matches.
The second game went somewhat similarly. Went 1/1/4 as Athena. This one was a bit more interesting. First, someone called Mid, but then Poseidon chose and auto-locked. Ahhhhhh...back in my comfort And look, he was only one level higher than me. Makes sense now.
Interesting also that Smite Guru reset everyone's Elo, even for console, since console is still in S3.
So near the end of the game, I wandered the jungle with...I think Izanami but it might have been Soren's The Morrigan...and we went to take down a tower or two on the right. We got the first one down and were waiting for minions to attack the 2nd one. I was monitoring a couple teammates that were basically ALL THE WAY IN THE ENEMY'S BASE. Then I saw them take some damage, so I ulted over to help. They were between the Titan and the Phoenix, and at that point, they were just standing, jumping, trolling, whatever the F. So confused in fact that I turned around, said hey guys want to at least get a phoenix, but then went to attack the phoenix whose tower I was just at seconds ago. SMH. Anyway...
The last game, we did a joust match. Janus (Soren), Odin (me) and Hou Yi (random) vs. 2 mastery Xs... Odin and Nox. The Thanatos, funny enough, was the biggest pain to deal with. Our Hou Yi was badass.
But in the end, 3 games, 3 Ws. Not too bad, thanks for carrying that first game, Soren =) Your rat is S-Tier.
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