I don't know how many seconds it added while I had to remember how to level a skill.
And why is relic #1 X, and relic #2 square, where in the standard setup, skill #1 is square, and skill #2 is X? KEEP A CONSISTENT ORDER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, HI-REZ!!!
I know it'll take time, and I know it's the better control option. But I don't have to like it right now.
So other than that horrible Assault match as Terra (and oh hey, check out the teams... 4 level 30s w/ a 5 man team and an average SGS of ~2,500 vs a variety of mostly under 30 miscreants averaging around 1,600 SGS...yup, good matchup...and hey team, you should STAY in my circle, cuz you know...it HEALS you, and you're HURT...
Anyway, OTHER than that, my Medusa Conquest match saw me go negative K/D because of fairly decent teamwork from the other team that made me think they were partied (they weren't, kudos to them) and because of the aptly named "Pnes" clan (both account level 6, both chose Jungler/Assassins, both went to clear the damage camp on Duo side forcing our Mid to go Solo just to make sure there was a presence, etc.). (clan Pnes sorta sucked XD)
I'm not sure, but I think they were trying to compete to get the most deaths...it was an extremely close race, let me tell you. And look...I'm not mad at them or anything...I'm writing this to inject a bit of humor in what was otherwise a pretty dreary match. If you take offense to this, I'll totally censor (let me know).
And honestly, it was my fault too.
- Caught pushing a bit too far especially when I didn't have the controls down (Soren, exactly HOW long will it take me to get used to it?!?).
- Scrambling to use the right ability, meaning instead of using Acid Spray I dashed INTO them with Lacerate, putting me in danger taking minion damage with no escape...this seriously happened at least 3 times. No, I don't know left from right. L1 = R1, right?
Second Conquest match saw me back to playing Ratatoskr. We actually had almost a balanced team! (just missing a Guardian, had 2 standard nuking mages instead) Thank goodness for the enemy team and my Anubis there to carry me, because again I was fumbling with the controls.
Hooray for our Chaac building Deathbringer as 3rd main item, and Anhur building Watcher's Gift into Talaria Boots into Odysseus' Bow...so confused.
Anyway, cheers to the "Savage" control setup. Cheers, because it's going to make me an alcoholic, and I'll drink to that.
And what the hell was that Tyr in the last game building ?
(Her ultimate was hitting hard af, though)
I'll probably be on tonight around that time, and newbiemj also said he might be up, so if you're up and that time works, look for me.