First VS Arena - Ymir
First VS Joust - Ra
In that 2nd match, our Fenrir just kept diving into the other team and dying (quickly). He gave up after his 7th death and left the game, but that probably helped. In the last push, I double-sniped the Neith and Aphrodite with my ult.
Wish I had more gods...I've unlocked Artemis and Cupid so far because their favor cost is low.
Coming from PC, controls just feel extremely clunky...I'm used to quickly purchasing, having VGS at my fingertips, etc. Other than gameplay, I feel like a noob again...I keep forgetting to level up my skills, using relics and potions are just not instinctual, etc. I don't think I've glanced more than once at the minimap, just cuz I feel so lost with the controls...
It's clear, based on analog movement, that some gods have a significant advantage over others. Skill shots and aiming take getting used to. Been fun so far, though.
You needed your PS4 when it was Triple everything! Get that favor up. I'll be on later today I'm sure but always hard to sync up with time changes and stuff
I probably should have gotten a Winged Blade...too many slows, and that would have helped. But it was fun going Damage Ymir.
Yeah, I only game about 9pm Pacific and later, and I wasn't even on my PS4 until around midnight...I was playing on PC with Taco, GGF, Ducks, and Pappsi prior to that.