January 18, 2018

S5 Conquest PTS - First Game (Discordia Mid)

Views: 1878 Branmuffin17
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Season5  |  S5  |  Conquest  |  PTS  |  Discordia  |  Mid  |  Love

First time playing on the new S5 map in PTS (night of PTS release). Can't remember the last time I played mid. Fun though, even though I suck.

Super excited. The map feels great. The map looks great. The map IS great.

Love the new minion look (even though I don't pay too much attention to them, it's still different). Love the floor look between Chaos and Order. Love the look of the buffs when they drop. Love the simpler concept of the starter items (Blessings). Love the twists and turns of the jungle. Love the fog. Makes the lane feel scarier.

Hate that I consistently forget to buy wards. Oracle is going to be my friend due to forgetfulness.

The end game Titan area (more attacking it than being on my own side) feels brand new. Titan DOES feel a bit close to the middle wall.

Going to want to play Conquest a lot more. HR, you're doing good things, and you're headed in the right direction, no matter what everyone else says about you =)

So...who's with me?