September 22, 2014

Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby Hype

Views: 2222 HiFromBuddha
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Ah yes, the sweet flowers of moe are in full bloom. 'Tis Spring time here in Australia. We have gone form a **** ton of rain to a **** ton of a rain and a **** ton of sun simultaneously. It works because Australia.

But, there's more than just flowers and no leaves on the tree outside my house that Spring brings, with Spring comes the one and only ALPHA SAPPHIRE AND OMEGA RUBY HYYYYYYYYYYPE. Perhaps you guys didn't know, but Pokemon Sapphire just so happened to be my very first Pokemon game as well as my very first handheld videogame as a whole. I remember oh so very fondly being stuck at the very start of the game between Petalburg and Rustboro City having no clue in how to progress onwards, until I just so happened to speak to Mr. Briney in his cottage. I also fondly remember being stuck just before Sootopolis city, it eventually occurred to me that I indeed could dive up from the underwater caves in the giant patch of water in Hoenn. That eventually led me to believe that the other cave would lead me to Ever Grande City, a when I arrived all I could see was indeed a giant *** waterfall.

Generation 3, alongside Gen 6 are my favourite generations, so you can only imagine my excitement for the upcoming remakes of Gen 3, considering how it essentially combines the new innovative factors in Gen 6 with the nostalgia that I get from Gen 3. I'm already considering attending the midnight launch here in Melbourne, much like I did for Pokemon Y last year.

I love this picture too much not to share it.