Oh! I wanted to say something regarding some replies I got on my last post. Ah *dreamy voice* I remember that post as if I posted it yesterday ... which... I... didn't ^.^"
Anyway. It was about being matched with players who equal your skills. I read that the MMR differs in any gamemode and I think that's true. I also wanted to add that I don't play league, I only play casual. And I don't play conquest at all! Not only because I keep hearing that the most toxic players play conquest (don't know if it's true, it's just what I heard), but because I want to play for fun without having to think about rules. That's why I play arena most of the times. I only play other gamemodes when I'm in a party or when first wins of the day are important in some way. Arena matches are usually not so long, so that's another benefit for me =)
But once again; I don't play league and I don't play conquest.
Pfew, glad that's sorted out!... XD
Btw, today I had my first day at school after internship. My school managed to f*ck things up immediately =P Well, we're used to it, though I'm not sure if that's a good thing. It probably isn't ( '.')
Signing out.
CQ holds one of the most toxic enivorments depending which elo you play. most notable of this is in ranked (plz refer to league CQ as ranked otherwise several people can go and think LoL wise. especially cause people compare games talking about toxticity). Game modes were it's less is mostly assault and arena
I say that because it is possible to hide your stats in the Loading Screen.
That means a god Mastery 0 is either someone starting with this god, either he wants to hide his mastery.
On the other hand, a god Mastery 1, you can tell he is Mastery 1 and then not that much experienced.
This situation reminds me when I played on my gf account to get her free gems for the FWotD.
Since I wanted a win, I played an Loki in an Arena.
Their team had a Loki Mastery X as well, but since I was on my gf account, my card was showing a Mastery 0.
I can't tell if their Loki was just bad, if it was just a bad game, or if he thought I was an easy target.
However, he was constantly attacking me, and got killed about each time.
I ended the game with a score about 9-3, while he had 2-10.
People from both team were laughing at him in the lobby at the end of the game.
Good luck and have fun!
You're right about averything regarding the masteries. I forgot to mention the events with double worshippers. Personally, I like them. (As you might have read before) I'm on a "quest" to master all the gods to at least level 1 and those events make it go faster for me. But I absolutely realise that it doesn't mean I'll be skilled with the god. There are some gods I don't like to play, so then I'm glad I can master them more quickly just to move on to the next. But if I do wanted to get skilled I will play that certain god regardless the mastery level =P
About the conquest/ranked part: I have no experience with it, so I'll just have to believe you on that ;)
So, mastery levels. For me mastery level is quite meaningless when checking who you're playing with or against. Yes, it may show you that someone has played a lot with that one specific god and may be good with it. Or it may tell you that he has ONLY played with that one god and has no clue how to deal against other gods, since his lack of knowledge. And one thing to remind is that some events provide faster worship gain, so you may play less and still be at mastery level X. And this may be pointless to say, but sometimes even the good players have bad days.
It might be true that conquest mode has most toxic environment. Many players tend to think that conquest normal mode is the place for more serious matches (especially the ones who have not played league or are ranked low). Many like to "showoff" and let others think they know the game and they're ready for ranked matches. And when the higher ranked players like to play normal modes more casual, there is usually some whining and sarcasm included in the chat between the players. But I’m not saying that ranked players are the ones flaming, but most of the times players with different ranks have so different approaches what comes to playing. And... then there is some who are... really just having the best time of their lives while playing :D
Sorry about the long post :/