#5: Autolocking & Waitlocking:
This is the most common issue with Smite players I see once in a while but it can really start to be a real bad thing when it happens. If you want a role to play and all the sudden someone autolocks a god with the role you wanted it will really ruin the gameplay. Lets say for example you wanted to be a jungler, but your teammate autolocks

#4: Misusing Gods
I've seen players who think certain things about how to play a god when in a game like Smite, all the gods are so flexible they can practically do anything. I had people give me a dirty comments when I would play

#3: Ego Boosting:
Nothing grinds my gears more then players that think so highly of themselves and end up on the losing team when it's over. It's all fine and dandy if they knew they got careless, but when they try to shift the blame to another player that did as bad they did in a half-***ed attempt to make them look good then they're the problem.Smite is just like every other game, stop thinking you run the game and consider using teamwork instead of stroking your own ego with a K/D ratio that doesn't mean anything outside of Smite.
#2: Insulting teammates:
You are not contributing to the team if you sit there and type hateful messages to a player that's not doing so good and dying most of the game because he's having a bad game or is new to the game. If they stop playing the game because players like that it will be your fault for not helping them in some way. Here's a easier solution, do something to help that player instead of making him feel bad for themselves and never touch this game ever again because you're trying to make him look like the problem.
#1: False Reporting:
Nothing is more of a pointless, unintelligent, and such a ****ish thing to do then to false report someone for something they didn't even do. I see over and over again players abusing the report function on Smite for those ego maniacs or wanna-be MLG's that aren't good at Smite and need something to blame. the most common of this false reporting is when a player is not doing good and gets killed multiple times, they claim that that individual is "Intentionally Feeding" even though they are either new to the game and or having a really bad game. Luckily for the others players, Hi-Rez sees the reports being made and they check everything to make sure the the claim is legitimate, so those who think that false reporting a bad player is going to do anything YOU'RE WRONG and those players should be banned for a day or have a strike system on their account for the false reporting.
This has been my Top 5 Problems with Smite Players, if you have seen or experienced any problems with the community like this. Leave a comment about what should be added to the list in the comment section below.
That they don't realize that when they got reported multiple times, they'll get banned, and for them it's an "Unknown Reason" and will just quit the game.
Also do I start some sort (when with friends for sure) BM and play thing if they post a surender insta NO vote for it