September 04, 2014

Thoughts on the New Arachne and Odin

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I saw the new reworked kits for Odin and Arachne and here are my basic thoughts on them. Odin is now a more warrior like then before which he had Guardian-like abilities like his Odin's Shout and he passive on Gungnir's Might, now he has more damage oriented abilities with the new shout providing a protection shield and a damaging explosion after a timer is up so I'm happy that Odin might get out there more. For Arachne I never used her that much but looking at her new kit it seems similar to Loki as having abilities that work for a one hit effect and a slow to catch up to your opponent and with an ult that is like Thanatos but with the added twist of a spooky spider. I don't have much to talk about until I play them and give a complete thought on it so what do you guys think about the reworked kits for the two.