Just your friendly neighborhood Zilby here o_o
So some of you might know this, but I'm a CS and Game development major right now (currently a sophomore in college). As such... I make games. Over the past few months my ability to make actual, quality games has improved tremendously. With this increase in potential, I've been investing a lot of my personal time into making a game called Refract. It's a solo project that I've been working on for the past three weeks or so incessantly (sorry I haven't been playing games as much this month, but this is the reason why).
In any case I'm at a stage where I need playtesters, pretty much anyone willing to play the game. I currently have 30 levels with a goal of 40-50. Be forewarned: there are probably bugs that still need ironing out and weird quirks that need fixing even in my current stable build. I am but one man, I cannot find them all. I would describe the game as a "top down action game" where you fight waves of enemies. Controls are just the mouse and left/right click (or you can use F and Spacebar if you really want).
But if you want to try it out here's the link! Just double click the Refract.exe file after unzipping the package and you should be good to go.

Good luck out there fam. And as always, happy smiting~
Strategy : Use Pulse to kill everything. Sword 2 slow ;_;
However, this game is really hard for colorblind people.
I really don't expect you create a colorblind mode for that game, but I think as a Game Developer, it's something that you would need to be aware of.
For example, pressing the right click increase your heat meter by almost 100%.
Therefore, if your meter is not near 0, you explode.
I died countless of time for that reason because I thought the meter was black while it wasn't.
Also, the level 7 was a real challenge to play without seeing the cursor.
In terms of feedback, I have a few suggestions. Also, I've come across a few small things here and there that I wouldn't necessarily consider glitches/bugs but I'll write 'em down to inform you about their presence anyway.
"Bugs" / "Glitches"
Overall, it's a quite fun and addicting game, to be honest, and it's really good so far. Simple, but nice. A job well done.
Updates haven't been added to the executable yet though, so you can't download the new version rn.
In response to your suggestions:
As for the bugs:
And thanks for all the feedback! Very much appreciated :]
Holy hell. I hate you, Z.
Also, I noticed bug #2, and maaaybe #3.
Also added the upgrade descriptions and the in-game buttons now grow when you hover over them (feels more reactive), still need to fix bug #2, it's definitely the most notable bug. Still not entirely sure #3 exists ._.
FYI, I'm not sure about #3 either...in that last level (MY GOD I DIED STUPIDLY MULTIPLE TIMES ON THAT ONE) it seemed like it might have happened where I was like "wait, I thought I would've lived." But that might have just been me and my progressively more buggy eyes.
Edit: I made it to level 11 (on Medium) before checking out the tutorial and realising you can actually leftclick and rightclick to use abilities......
And yeah I'll add a short description to the post.
The biggest hint I can give as to how to beat this game is right click / pulse is op. Sword's not bad, it's just not as good.
The game was made in the Unity game engine and coded in C# (very similar to Java if you're not familiar with it).
Congrats for the good work.
The other difficulty modes used to actually make the game harder by making it faster paced, but that was scrapped since I deemed it too difficult (it got ridiculous). Right now it's a very clear difficulty spike: easy = infinite lives, medium = 10 lives, hard = 1 life (I'm yet to beat hard mode). While the different difficulties aren't necessarily more interesting, once achievements and awards are implemented you'll be able to unlock different things by completing levels on them. As an aside, the level select screen will always put you on easy mode.
And thanks :]