March 17, 2016

Hiatus maybe ending... Soonish?

Views: 1270 Zilby
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Hey Smitefireans. So I've put in a lot of thought into my relationship with Smite, and at this point believe that once I get just a few more things back on track (most notably sleep/workout schedule), I'll allow myself to once again perhaps rejoin the community/game.

Of course, I'll be avoiding obsessing over it to the same extent. I think I'll be banning myself from the smite Reddit (spent WAY too much time there) and still limiting my activity on smitefire and other such sites. I also will try to limit extended play times, I may try capping myself at 2-3 consecutive games.

Still, there are a few things I'm interested in pursuing in regards to Smite right now. My guides have been neglected for quite some time, and that's in part because maintaining them is quite frankly a pain in the rear end. Making a release guide is fun, you theory craft good release builds, get hype for the new god, come up with unique strategies, etc. Updating a release guide 5 months later is NOT fun. Strategies and builds have become efficient machinelike cogs in the smite meta, anything divergent from those strategies is "wrong" or at the very least "inefficient" essentially forcing you to regurgitate the most relevant info from reliable sources, usually the pro scene.

After a brief discussion with GameGeekFan about what smitefire does best, I really thought about what my guides are intended to do. While I like buildcrafting, it's simply impossible to do so in a timely manner for 11 guides, hence I'm thinking of changing my guides dramatically in a couple areas.
  1. Removing the build sections. Instead of telling viewers what items they should build, I'm thinking of instead telling them what attributes/build paths can work for each God and how to utilize them. Eg: for Chang'e I could describe what works best with her/ what's essential. Generally she wants movement speed, CDR, stacking penetration, and a mix of power, health and defense. Alternatively, you can go one shot Chang'e and build straight power, which lends itself to a very different playstyle. This is of course a simplified version of what would be a detailed explanation, but you get the gist.
  2. Removing meta specific details. I don't want to have to update my guide every time the solo lane meta shifts. If you want a solo laning guide, then I understand, but I want to write GOD GUIDES, i.e: how to play that God, not how to play the position they're in in the current meta.
  3. For meta relevant stuff I would likely just link my guides to relevant sites like smitelite and smitejunkies to help aid the advice given in my guides.
Generalizing these two aspects of my guides would allow me to only have to update them whenever a God is directly changed by HiRez, and allow them to stay relevant far longer even without me touching them. If you guys think that this sounds like a great idea, or a terrible one, be sure to let me know.

Finally the last thing on my agenda is the possibility of streaming some smite. The past week and a half I began messing around with twitch and decided that streaming is actually kind of fun. I've put up some melee netplay and a distance stream so far, but obviously smite would be an awesome game to stream on any channel. I've done pretty much nothing to promote my stream so it's basically unknown, but I'm having fun just making content right now and figuring out how everything works. If you're interested in it, my channel is TheZilb@twitch.

So... Yeah! That's what's up. Don't be having too many fights behind my back while I'm still hiatusing (looking at you Skadi thread).


**Bonus: I just discovered that I apparently have a jewelry/accessory line and an emo blogspot page, who knew? (And no, I did not create either of these :P )