May 31, 2015

How to survive the hunter guardian meta

Views: 5040 Zilby
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meta  |  baccus  |  amazing  |  comedy  |  Z's Comedy Club
So the hunter-guardian meta is the new thing, but you can't stand it right? You have to escape but there's no where to go.. well do I have the strategy for you!

Has the new meta sucked all the fun out of your life?
Do you find yourself questioning why you play smite at all anymore?

Think again with our patented Bacchus destruction strategy!®

Just look at that magnificent bastard

So obviously Bacchus is only suited to one role, and that role is jungler. His immeasurable grace and bursty damage is enough to take out even the tankiest of adcs, junglers and mages. Before we get any further, lets cover your build.

Such beauty

So anyone that plays Bacchus at all will know that this is a pretty standard build for him, but for those who don't let's get into the details.

Build Strategy

Need proof for your pudding? Look no further.


But how do you play Bacchus, you might ask. Well I'm here to tell you so lets get into it.

How To Bacchus

Step One

Drink before you engage. If you're feeling spicy drink twice. If you're feely realing it__drink 3 times.

Step Two

Leap you alcohol sodden lump, leap. Crush your enemies beneath your massive abdomen filled with the finest wine you can buy (Walmart Brand). Once you've knocked your enemies to the heavens give them the ol' one two with your meat. They deserve to get smacked for making you exert the effort to jump so far just to kill them

Step Three

Burp. You've had a lot to drink. Let it out. Let it out all over their mangy little faces. If they're still around smack them in the face again to show them who's boss.

Step Four

Ult if your enemies haven't died yet because you're upset and smashing people with 550 base power makes you feel better.

Step Five

Celebrate by drinking more wine, if there are any more enemies around smack them in the face and repeat from step one.

So what do you do now that you're armed to the teeth and in control of a swaying, buxom warrior?
Just go. Go my child.

And slay any enemy that crosses your path.
