1) You'll lose 3/10 games because of disconnects. It's going to happen. You can't carry a 4 man. Just cry yourself to sleep now.
2) You cannot carry as any god that does not have a high damage output. It's not going to happen. You will not have a high enough impact on the game. No one with you has any idea how to basic attack or use

3) You cannot carry as any late game god. You will not get to late game. Your team will let you burn in the fires of hell before you get there and by then it's too late. You'll be lvl 18 defending the Titan alone while the other team has taken 3 phoenixes down, a fire giant buff and a 10k gold difference.
4) If you support you might as well surrender at 10. Your ADC is ****. Give up now.
5) If you happen to get paired with someone that's not half braindead, every other member of your team will be terrible. Trust no one.
6) Just because someone is ranked mastery 10 with a god doesn't mean they're good. They're trash. Accept this, and treat them accordingly.
7) Even though it's qualifiers and your quality of life has plummeted, try to still have fun and not rage. It's still just a game :]
i just did my first qualifier, And guess what? I HAD A YMIR THAT ONLY SPOKE RUSSAIN, OUR SCYLLA FED AND OUR HADES REFUSED TO TALK, and we lost.
i think i'm gonna take a break from ranked before my next qualifier XD
Sadly that sounds better than half the games I had.
i think i'm gonna take a break from ranked before my next qualifier XD
zilby point 6 is somethign you can already say at casual. As worshippers have a huge flaw right now.
Worshippers are indeed flawed (I feel as though maybe they should be game type specific? Idk..) but for some reason I just really noticed this more so in qualifiers than in casual matches. Honestly the level of play I was getting in casuals was significantly higher than in almost any of my qualifier matches yet I was facing more mastery level 9 and 10 gods in my qualifiers so it kind of threw me off.
You just ruin qualifiers for me man! I might wait a little longer to start mines! xD
The longer you wait the more qualified you'll be for higher ranks and the more disappointed you'll be getting matched up with people far below your skill level. From my experience at least (which was waiting a year to start ranked and having mastered every god, etc), it's probably better to just go for it.