May 04, 2016

Twitch & Returnish

Views: 1136 Zilby
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twitch  |  hiatus  |  etc etc
So update-ish on my current status. I reinstalled Smite recently, as I've had more time to play in recent days. Idk how long this will last, or if I can manage my time better with it but for now I guess I'm playing with some limited regularity. In this time 2 things have happened.

1) I've started to further establish my stream (twitch/theZilb). During these streams I've been trying to either fill the time with curse discussions with friends I play with, or with commentary about the games I'm in. Generally my solo commentary is focused on why I'm doing what I'm doing, the choices I'm making or just whatever comes to mind. I'm hoping that maybe it'll give some insight into my head as I play Smite and might help whoever so decides to watch it, or at least give some context. (I also put a smitefire logo in my overlay so show my support to this community <3 ). I would give an example stream of this commentary except I realized after watching a couple that my microphone volume was way too low, so I'm in the process of fixing that (if anything it will be too loud now). If you guys have any ideas of other stuff to talk about on stream though I'm all ears!

2) My laptop has started shutting off randomly. I reaaaaallly don't want to send it in to get fixed since I'm doing a summer term at my college and as a computer science major, this is my work computer. Furthermore, the last time I sent my computer in to get fixed for a hardware issue, they completely wiped my hard drive, didn't fix the problem, and I ended up just having the whole unit replaced (**** Razer support, I love their products and their customer service representatives are responsive and informative but holy **** they suck at fixing their products). Thus I've decided to invest in a cooling pad which should hopefully alleviate my computer's problems (I'm guessing one of the fans isn't working properly and the computer is heating up too much causing it to shut down, or that my wooden desk isn't dissipating the heat underneath the computer that well now that my room is hotter because of the seasonal changes, but if this isn't the case and it's a battery problem or something I guess I'm screwed). In any case, until that item ships (hopefully getting it today) I won't be streaming since the last time I tried my stream got shut down twice and it was a real pain to deal with.

Sooooo yeah. The next 3 days or so I'll likely be the most active simply because my roommate hasn't moved in yet and the summer term doesn't start for another 4 days. Most of my friends are also gone as they either went home for summer or won't be coming back until the term starts, so I'm basically just sitting around with nothing to do (I got so bored I booted up Halo again, man it'd been awhile).

Cheers SmiteFire