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Acat by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2021
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God of scars and tattoos

Tattoos in mayan culture were very appreciated an represented different gods they worshipped and celebrated. Acat is the god of tattoos and scarification. A process in which for example they made babies heads the shape they wanted by compressing them with wooden boards.

Passive Ability

Ink mark
Acts first attack against an enemy deals bonus dmg and has a 7 sec cooldown between enemies. This attack also attacks faster and acts as a BA reset. If Acat gains a buff from the jng it boosts his own tattoo buffs that are the same color as it.

Primary Abilities

Ink splotch
Passive: BAs deal more dmg based on Acats power. Enemies affected by Acats abilities and attacks are marked. Active: this allows Acat to cast this ability which roots the marked enemies and makes a pool of ink appear underneath them. This deals DMG over time and slows enemies on it. Lasts 1.5 sec. Red buff: passive BAs burn enemies. Active: when enemies are rooted also burns enemies. Pool of ink beneath enemies deals more dmg. Yellow buff: Passive: BAs cleave enemies and has faster base movement speed and attack speed. Active: pool of ink deals dmg faster and slows enemies more. Green buff: BAs gain lifesteal and has more max hp. Active: pool of ink lifesteal all dmg dealt. Blue buff: Passive: gain mana with every BA. Active: ability costs less mana and has lower cooldown. Purple buff: Passive: BAs shred 5% of the enemies armor and can stack up to 100% but it only lasts 1.5 sec and then resets. Active: pool of ink shreds 20% of enemies armor with the first hit and stays .5 sec longer with every tick dmg from pool of ink.
Scar dash
Acat slides forward crippling enemies hit and dealing DMG. Leaves behind a line of ink that slows and dmgs enemies. Lasts 5 sec. Boosts speed of allies. Red buff: deals 33% of it's dmg as missing hp dmg. Yellow buff: Line of ink left behind dmges enemies faster. Green buff: Lifesteals 25% of dmg dealt. Blue buff: Has reduced mana cost and has 2 casts. Purple buff: deals 25% of it's dmg as true dmg.
Searing scars
In a cone in front of him Acat slashes wildly leaving scars on enemies hit. Can recast this ability in the next 3 sec to make the scars on enemies redo the DMG that they dealt. Any attacks from allies that hit while scars are in enemies will be redone as well. Red buff: recast dmg deals 20% more dmg base on missing hp. Yellow buff: number of strikes in first cast are increased and lasts longer. Green buff: Lifesteals 25% of dmg dealt from second cast. Blue buff: Mana cost is reduced and abilities cooldown is reduced. Gains a shield after second cast. Purple buff: Deals true dmg for second cast and first cast shreds 29% of prots.

Ultimate Abilities

Tattoos of power
Acat changes between 5 different tattoos each representing a different jng camp. Switching between the tattoos gives off an ink explosion that apply different effects. Red burns enemies hit. Yellow has a larger radius. Green gives hp to Acat. Blue reduces cooldown of all abilities. Purple Shreds 33% of enemies prots when hit.

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