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Aeolus by MaleTrumpet

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By: MaleTrumpet
Last Updated: Jul 21, 2021
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Keeper of the Winds

Aeolus Greek god of winds was the son of Hippotes. He kept all the winds inside a mountain, on a floating island called Aeolis, which was also surrounded by a bronze wall. In fact, he was the king of this island, who had been made "keeper of the winds" by Zeus.

When Odysseus arrived on his island, king Aeolus gave him hospitality for one month, and before his departure, he gave Odysseus a bag which contained all the winds, but one, Zephyros, the western wind, which was not put into the bag, so as to gently push their ship towards the island of Ithaca.

During the trip, Odysseus steered the ship all the time. When they finally caught glimpse of the coast of Ithaca, he fell asleep. His men took advantage of that and opened the bag, thinking it would be full of gold and silver. Thus, all the winds got out and the storm created by them pushed the ship back to the island of Aeolia.

When Aeolus saw Odysseus again, he understood that the gods were against him, so he refused to help him again and told him to leave the island forever.

Aeolus has been watching the Gods battle from his palace for too long. Now he seeks to take action.

*This lore was taken from because it seemed like a good description that would most likely be adjusted to fit Smite's own lore. The portion in bold text is my own addition*

Passive Ability

Whenever Aeolus uses an ability, he and nearby allied gods gain increased movement speed.

Movement Speed: 5/9/13/17/21%

Primary Abilities

North and South Winds
Aeolus summons the North and South winds in a rectangle. Enemies hit are slowed for 2s by the cold of the North wind. They also take damage from the heat of the South wind.

Slow: 10/15/20/25/30%
Damage: 50/90/130/170/210 (+50% of your Magical Power)
East and West Winds
Aeolus summons the East and South Winds in circle. The winds create a Vortex which drags targets toward the center. Enemies inside the circle are also Crippled.

Duration: 3s/3.5s/4s/4.5s/5s
Aeolus flies forward a great speed. At the end of his flight, nearby enemies in a radius are knocked back.

Ultimate Abilities

Bag of Winds
Aeolus opens his Bag of Winds, which surround him. Allies within range of the winds have their movement speed increased while enemies are slowed. Enemies within range are also buffeted by the wind, taking tick damage every second.

Ally Movement Speed Increase: 5/7.5/10/15/20%
Enemy Movement Speed Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%
Tick Damage: 8/12/16/20/24 (+5% of your Magical Power)
Duration: 8 seconds

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MayhemMoYT | August 3, 2021 5:15am
I feel inclined to tell you that you can’t level up passive abilities. Other than that looks cool.
Branmuffin17 (401) | August 3, 2021 7:47am
Could easily adjust it to hitting certain levels. Start = 5%. Levels 5/10/15/20 gain the additional MS.

Ability description would be better if they defined duration of the MS boost.
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