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Aether by Welkin12

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By: Welkin12
Last Updated: Oct 17, 2022
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The Upper Sky

In the tim before the Titans came to power, Nox and Erebus came together and from their union many horrors and misfortunes were born. Yet light shines brightest in the dark and so Aether emerged from egg along with his twin Hemera. Their birth reshaped the world with Aether becoming the highest of all the sky gods, supplying the celestial heavens with the purist of air. While his sister became the light of day, thus the cycle of day and night began. When Hemera shines on Earth Aether is seen by all in his radiant majesty but come dusk Hemera travels to the underworld and her mother Nox arrives to bring her husband to cover Aether to create the night. This cycle has continued ever since, and Aether has remained absolutely neutral ever since, never interfering in the affairs of mortals or immortals, always watching during the day, till his mother shrouded his vision and his sister returned his sight. But the war of the gods has caused him to take action, horrified by the destruction brought by the gods and their wars Aether descends for the first time since the beginning, he knows if the gods are not stopped, they will bring a never-ending darkness to the world. And Aether will not allow the darkness to snuff out the light.

Passive Ability

Aether covers the world in a dome with the pure divine air of the heavens. Allied gods gain a magical and physical protection buff, this buff is made more potent when surrounded by multiple allied gods. For every enemy god, close to Arther, he receives buffs to his magical and physical protection.

Primary Abilities

Fresh Air
Aether flaps his wings and sends forth a powerful gust of wind that passes through and damages enemy minions and stops when it hits enemy gods. Enemy gods hit are spun backwards, facing the opposite direction. Allied Gods hit by it gain a movement speed buff.
Aether channels his light into his wings. Increasing his attack speed and empowering his basic attacks damage and increasing his MP. Enemies struck by his basic attack take extra damage.
Empyreal Wave
Aether exhales a wave of fire from his mouth, searing enemies in a cone. Enemies take .6 damage for 6s. Aether is immune to knockback for the duration. Allies caught in the wave will have any debuffs removed.

Ultimate Abilities

Light in the Dark
Aether rises off the ground unleashing his light to engulf the battlefield any enemies caught nearby are damaged and blinded for 3s. In this form Aether gains increased Health, becomes immune to Crowd Control and gains access to new abilities. Enemies near Aether will take more damage from allied gods.

Other Abilities

Aurora Crash
Aether sends out a volley of spheres of aurora light from his wings which roots enemy gods and causes damage over time effects to every enemy hit.
Eye of Heavon
Aether opens a hole in the sky, unleashing a pillar of pure destructive light, enemies caught in the area take damage and reduced protections. Allies receive healing.
Lumen Barrage
Aether summons Celestial Nymphs from the sky, all enemies caught in the area of effect will have both their health and mana stolen. The Nymphs will then transfer the stolen health and mana to nearby allies. Enemies killed by the Nymphs give more health and mana.

Who is Aether?

Hi, before I begin, I want to just say I am still kind of new to the Smite community so my understanding on the mechanics are still on a rookie level. If I make any mistakes when describing any of the effects or you have suggestions, please leave a comment.

So in Greek myth Aether is a primordial personification of the sky. Unlike Uranus he is believed to be the upper sky, it was believed the world existed in a dome and he was that dome. If humanity lived on Terra, then he is where the gods live. Along with being the upper sky he was also thought to be the personification of light. His twin sister Hemera was the personification of the day, their parents were Nyx and her husband Erebus. When night came Hemera went to the underworld to stay in her parents' home just as her mother Nyx left, bringing her husbands darkness to cover the sky and cover up Aether. But come morning Nyx would return and Hemera would rise back to bring light, banish the dark. Aether doesn't appear much in myth, he was known to have shrines but no temples. In the older Orphic tales he was said to have been born from a cosmic egg which I added to his lore.


In myth since he supplies the gods with pure air, I imagine him being a character that has a lot of area affects and can grant a lot of buffs for his allies. While like most mages he does have low health his abilities help make up for this, especially when using items with life-steal. He is good to play solo, but his true power comes out when he is surrounded by both allies and enemies, so he is useful when there is a massive group fight going on. His basic attack is ranged, and he uses his wings to fling feathers at his targets. When he is beaten, he falls to his knees, a portal of darkness opens beneath him, and darkness engulfs him, and he vanishes.


Since he is a god of all light, I wanted that to be reflected in his look, so I mixed a lot of stellar phenomena to his appearance. Since he was believed to be the blue sky, I decided to make his skin blue and dotted with stars, I also gave him a pair of wings that represent his status as a sky god. His wings have an aura similar to the northern lights. He has Heterochromia with his left eye looking like the sun and his right the moon. His hair is shoulder length and floats above his head, it looks like storm clouds but with lightning streaks. For his armor I think it would be ivory and gold in color, something similar to Argus only without the faces and it doesn't cover his whole body. When he walks, he floats above the ground.

When he activates his ultimate, he grows in size similar to Cthulhu. His wings become more pronounced, and the aura becomes brighter. His legs fuse and form into a swirling vortex of blue sky and shooting stars.

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