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Aganju by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 16, 2022
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The blistering wilderness

Is a god of volcanoes, the wilderness, and the desert. Wields a sword as a cane that breathes fire. Also uses two axes. Is strongly associated with Shango sometimes his father and sometimes his brother. He was once a ruler of the Oyo empire just as Shango was as well before becoming a god.

Passive Ability

Heat waves
If Aganju reaches below 40% hp he gains increased attack speed and in a small area around him he gives off waves of heat that dmg and slow enemies in them. Lasts for 5 sec and is on a 60 sec cooldown.

Primary Abilities

Desert heat
Upon casting for 3 sec gains increased movement speed and attack speed and a shield. BAs now burns enemies for 5% of their max hp over 3 sec and can stack. If an enemy hits the shield they also are burned for 3 sec based on their missing hp.
Burning path
In a line forward Aganju unsheathes his sword and dashes. Enemies hit take dmg are silenced and on the outer edges of the dashes path fires are there that slow and dmg enemies over time. BAs now apply a slow for 1.5 sec that can stack up to a cap. Buff lasts for 3 sec.
Rupturing axe
Aganju selects an area and then lobs one of his aces forward. When it lands it cracks the ground dmg enemies. Then lava pours out of the crack filling the area chosen. This dmges enemies over time, slows them, and cripples them. BAs now ignore 15% of enemies protections if they are in the lava. Burn dmg from lava is based on enemies max hp.

Ultimate Abilities

Scorching sword of the sun
Upon casting gains slight movement speed towards enemies and his sword follows behind him. In Aganjus BA range the sword blows fire at enemies that deals dmg over time based on missing hp and every tick shreds 1% of their protections. All ability burns and BA after affects have bonus effects. Burns now deal increased dmg and is faster. Ability 1 increases dmg. Ability 2 increases slow. Ability 3 increases to 25% of enemies protections are lost.

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