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Agwe by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 10, 2021
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Shell of the sea

Is like poseiden is married to Erzulie Freda goddess of love. If the god of water and the ocean as well as shells and mirrors.

Passive Ability

Trident power
After using an ability Agwe gains attack and movement speed boost. Next BA is also empowered based on ability cast. This lasts 5 sec.

Primary Abilities

Mirror of the sea
Agwe casts a mirror forward an a direction and if an ability hits it the DMG of the ability is negated and mirror heals allies and Agwe around the mirror. This area also stuns enemies for 1.5 sec. Agwe is also launched backwards away from the mirrors position. Empowered BA is a larger trident which deals increased DMG, can hit multiple enemies, and stuns.
Shell blast
Agwe throws a shell forward and upon landing let's off waves of sound and water which deal DMG constantly for 1.5 sec. Enemies hit are crippled and slowed. Empowered BA is a trident that pierces enemies and has increased crit chance. Gives Agwe movement speed boost.
Wave surfer
Agwe rides a wave forward. This carries enemies with it dealing DMG. Agwe can use BA while riding and can steer wave. Recast to hop off of wave and send it forward. If an enemy is carried into terrain they are stunned and dealt more DMG. Can ride wave max 5 sec. Empowered BA throws a trident upwards and when it lands back on the ground it creates a whirlpool and roots enemies on the whirlpool. This whirlpool deals DMG constantly and sucks enemies into the center. Cripples enemies as well. Lasts 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Whirlpool trident
Agwe boosts his BA for the next 5 sec to be surrounded by swirling water making them deal increased DMG, thrown faster, farther, and can pierce enemies. Gains increased attack speed and boosts abilities DMG and cooldown's. Empowered BA is a much larger trident surrounded by water. When thrown this carries enemies with it and deals constant DMG. Can go through walls and travels very far.

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