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Ahuizotl by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2021
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The water dog

Is a Mexican monster that resembles a dog but all of it's paws and the end of its tail is a hand. It uses this hand and other tricks to grab people and drown them to eat them as well as other things. It can mimic the cries of a human baby as well. Lives nears rives obviously can swim.

Passive Ability

Slicing hands
Has a 5 attack BA chain. First 2 are normal then the third cleaves in front of it then fourth slows enemies then finally the fifth attack has extra range and slightly increased dmg.

Primary Abilities

Drowning grasp
Ahuizotl extends its tail forward with it's hand open and grabs and dmged the first enemy god hit or large minion or jng monster. Then the ahuizotl carries that enemy back to them and empowers it's next BA to gain double range and bleed the enemy hit.
Child's cry
In an area around the ahuizotl it gives off a child's cry for 2 sec. Enemies inside the area are charmed for 1 sec and dela reduced dmg to ahuizotl for the next 3 sec. Afterwards ahuizotl charges up for the next 1.5 sec or can recast early to fear in the same area as the charm. Fear lasts 1.5 sec and enemies now take increased dmg form ahuizotl. This dmg is increased if the enemy was affected by the charm.
Liquid dash
Ahuizotl becomes u targetable and unable to move or cast abilities for 2 sec. In these 2 sec can recast to create a river in a direction of it's choosing and dash forward popping up out of the ground dealing dmg to enemies hit and slowing them. Passive: if ahuizotl just got out of ability 3 or ulti is affected with wet fur. This makes ahuizotl gain lifesteal and gain hp and mana over time faster for 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Underwater struggle
Ahuizotl lunges forward and grabs the first enemy god they come in contact with. In doing so they make both ahuizotl and the grabbed enemy to become untargetable and unable to move. Ahuizotl strangles the enemy underwater dealing constant dmg. Enemies grabbed can escape early if they press certain buttons correctly and at the right time. Ahuizotl can deal increased dmg and crit if they do the exact same thing. If ahuizotl kills this abilities cool down is significantly reduced. If the enemy escapes ult goes on cool down and they are slowed.

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