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Amaterasu by RsTen

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By: RsTen
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2021
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Rebirth (upgrade)

Hi-Rez made an amazing character in Amaterasu but I also feel like they rushed her development and feel as if she’s not complete. One noticeable fact is that she is a stance switcher but keeps the same kit when her stance is switched. I like her kit but always felt like she could be more when I play her, so here’s a concept of Ama's Rebirth of her Devine Presence benevolence and valor. Also taking a play from Achilles book, when switching stances her armor would change, specifically she would be wielding two swords. When I read the lore, don’t quote me, Tsukuyomi her brother and Japan’s Moon God was offered food from the goddess Ukemochi’s mouth at a banquet. Tsuki felt disrespected by the act and proceeded to kill the goddess. The act brought anger to Amaterasu who then split from Tskuyomi causing Night and Day.
Her 3 new abilities as well as her tweaked passive will be explained below.

Passive Ability

Illuminating strike & Grass cutting sword
Her passive stays the same, and in addition to adding The Grass cutting sword or KUSUNAGI no TUSRUGI or Ame no Mura***o no Tsurugi which translates to: Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven to her Valor stance. This would make Ama a wielder of 2 swords. NANI!! NITORYU!!! This blade of Amaterasu’s was gifted to her by her brother Susanoo for past hardship and a sign of reconciliation. When switched to her Valor stance and wielding both her Grass cutting sword and Heavenly Blade her original blade, her attack pattern should resemble both Susanoo and Tuskuyomi’s attack chain, their siblings after all. I also believe not only power should be increased as in the bonus bower stays the same but attack speed and passive damage would see just a slight increase in its stats as well. To balance her Valor stance it should be a double edge sword while her offense increases her defense decrease the same amount or double.

Benevolence Stance: Her current kit is good like I said before and I enjoy it but to be honest it can be alarming not having a good early game. Having said that I would be taking a page off of Medusa’s book and adding “splash chance” to her kit and specifically adding it to her auto attack chain or to her 3/dash(Glorious Charge), but will not be applicable to her Valor stance or on her Ultimate. Minions, Enemy gods and jungle monsters affected by her illuminating strike passive will receive splash damage after a certain number of strikes if applied to her auto attack chain or if applied to her Glorious Charge skill, after performing the skill Ama would have a 4-5 second countdown to striker her opponent triggering the splash damage.

Primary Abilities

Blind/Push Back/ CC
Heavenly Mirror Barrier (Aphrodite’s Back Off)
Amaterasu has no cc in her kit other than her ult and a little bit of her 3 which is a dash first ability silence second. Aphrodite’s back off is the perfect counter to lane bullies Ama struggles with. Adding this ability to AMA’s new Valor kit while in combination with her new passive can really her all around ability.
NITORYU : Heavenly Shining Crescent
A play on Chang’e Ult this ability would be a projection of Ama's shining light. A horizontal projection toward whoever is in her cone of fire cutting through her opponent. Resembling a bit of King Arthur's overhead slash, Ama would take a step forward before quickly slashing her opponent. Does damage thoroughly like King Arthur’s OS and Chang’e Ult with no stun just damage. I think the range should cover the as much distance as Tsukuyomi's Silver Moon Caltrops ranged auto. The motion of the attack would be really cool if it was the opposite motion of nemesis’s slice and dice, for reference Zoro’s(one piece) Onigiri.
Ability's Name
Ability Description

Ultimate Abilities

Nittoryu: Furious Wolf Charge
Like Arthur I think she should have two ultimate's, in doing so this Ult is a Dash similar to her 3 but with a stun and debuff that lats for 2 seconds. Can only be used when the ult is fully charged, so it depends on how much damage she takes and gives. A perfect counter ult and functions like King Arthurs Stun.

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