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Ammit by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Devourer of the dead

When souls enter the underworld and anubis weighs them against ma'at a soul can be deemed unworthy of reincarnation and ammit eats their heart and soul being lost forever. Ammit is depicted as a cross between a hippo, alligator, and lion.

Passive Ability

Animal instinct
When Ammit deals physical DMG to enemies for the first time(5 sec in between each enemy) ammit gains a short speed boost for 3 sec and can not stack.

Primary Abilities

Chasing souls
Ammit runs forward gaining speed and tramples enemies dealing DMG. Once ammit gets close enough to enemies he can leap to them while running and upon landing on enemies he surppressess them and deals DMG. Applies bleed and slows.
Lake of fire
Ammit rises the lake of fire. This heavily slows enemies over it and deals DMG over time. After 3 sec of enemies standing on the lake they are rooted and burned and dealt increased DMG over time. After 3 more sec the lake consumes the souls of enemies who stay on the lake that long. This deals massive DMG and increases the burn DMG. Lake now life steals at this stage.
Mutated howl
Ammit howls dealing DMG and stunning enemies. This boosts DMG and speed for the next 5 sec. BAs now bleed and have increased crit chance. This also life steals.

Ultimate Abilities

Judgement of souls
Ammit summons the scales that weigh the souls of the underworld to his current location and in a large radius around himself pulls in all enemies to the scale. If an enemy is under 20% hp they are executed. If the enemy is not under 20% they are dealt true dmg. Allies in the area are also weighed on the scale and are healed and given a shield. Then they themselves can choose where to land. Allies launch themselves to an area and enemies underneath them are dmged and knocked up.

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