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Anansi by Toby1066

11 Votes


By: Toby1066
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2020
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The Storyteller

In all the pantheons of all the world; from the stoic hunters of the Norse mythos to the lyrical philosophers on Mt Olympus, from the jaguar-ridden jungles of the mayan gods to the rivers and plains of ancient Japan, there is only one god of storytelling.

His name is Anansi.

His power is wordlessly invoked whenever a tale is told, his cult unknowingly grows whenever a fable is created. He scuttles like a spider, pulling on the strings of his stories and collecting them in his calabash, hoarding every plot twist and character arc.

You think he'd miss a story like this?

Passive Ability

Hoarder of Stories

Anansi collects the stories of his allies and enemies alike, shaping their narratives to his whim.

Whenany god or jungle creature interacts with Anansi in any way (healing, damaging, cleansing, slowing, etc), a figment of them is added to his calabash, or story pot, as a story.

Each figment gives Anansi a temporary Protection buff. His calabash holds a maximum of 10 figments and these last until Anansi triggers Plot Twist or Story Stealer.

This effect can only trigger once per allied or enemy god or jungle creature and up to four times for Anansi himself, until the calabash is empty of figments and Anansi starts collecting again.

Max figments - 10
+7 Physical & Magical Protection for 12s for each figment

Primary Abilities

Mightier Than The Sword

Anansi puts a part of himself into his calabash, saving his strength for when he needs it most.

Anansi pulls a figment of his own story and stores it in his calabash. This causes enemies in the radius to be knocked back and damaged. This damage has increased Penetration. (Because the Pen is Mightier Than The Sword.)

Anansi can store up to four of his own figments in the calabash, and upon activating Plot Twist to release the figments, his figments count towards the healing he receives.

If Anansi already has four of his own figments stored, this ability just delivers the knockback and damage.

Ability Type: Point Blank
Radius: 20
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Added Penetration: 5/5/10/10/10
Damage: 40/60/70/90/120 (+80% of your magical power)
Knockback Distance: 15
Max number of figments: 4
Plot Twist

Anansi turns his enemies' stories against them, bringing up the shadow of their past attacks to drive them away and heal himself.

Upon activating this ability, Anansi smashes his calabash on the ground in front of him, causing the figments to rush out, either dealing damage to enemy gods or healing Anansi depending on their type. Figments stored from enemy gods and jungle creatures will cause damage, while figments stored by allied gods (including himself) will heal Anansi. This damage and heal scales per figment released and fully empties the calabash, whereupon Anansi can start capturing figments again.

If Anansi has no figments in his calabash when this ability is activated, it does an amount of flat damage with no heal.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Radius: 25
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Damage per figment: 30/40/50/60/80 (+40% of your magical power)
Healing per figment: 20/30/30/35/40 (+50% of your magical power)
Flat damage (no figments): 30/40/40/60/100 (+45% of your magical power)
Kwaku Anansi's Tales

Anansi opens his calabash and harvests the stories of all enemies in front of him, dealing damage as the stories are ripped away from them.

Anansi damages enemies in a line, damaging and inflicting a Slow upon all enemies hit for 1s. Enemy gods and jungle creatures who haven't already been caught in his calabash are harvested as figments.

Ability Type: Line
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: 90/135/180/225/270 (+85% of your magical power)
Slow: 5%/8%/10%/15%/20%

Ultimate Abilities

Story Thief

Anansi extends his web of stories, pulling figments from far and wide to feed his calabash.

Anansi pulls a figment from every enemy and allied god, instantly filling his calabash and repaying all gods for their figments. Allied gods receive a small Physical and Magical Protection buff, while enemy gods are Rooted for 2s and damaged.

If Anansi's calabash already has some figments inside, they are forced out to make room for the new ones, dealing damage to enemies or healing Anansi depending on their type. This damage/healing acts just like the damage/healing from Plot Twist.

Ability Type: Global/Point Blank
Radius of Forced-out figments: 15
Cooldown: 120/115/100/100/90 seconds
Physical & Magical Protection buff: 10/10/15/18/20
Global Damage: 45/50/55/60/70 (+50% of your magical power)
Healing per figment: 20/30/30/35/40 (+50% of your magical power)

Combos & Builds

Effective Combos could include:

1-3-2-4-2 (Mightier Than The Sword > Kwaku Anansi's Tale > Plot Twist > Story Stealer > Plot Twist) for a large burst of damage (combining particularly well with Staff of Myrdyn for that instant re-cast of his 2)

1-1-1-1-3 (stack Mightier Than The Sword > Plot Twist) for healing and sustain.

4-3-2 (Story Stealer > Kwaku Anansi's Tale > Plot Twist) for a Root, Slow and large damage burst all at once, leaving teammates free to attack as well.

Potential Builds:

Because Anansi is geared towards being a bruiser mage, he would synergise very well with hybrid items. These could include Void Stone, Ethereal Staff, Breastplate of Valor, Lotus Crown, Spirit Robe, etc.

Therefore, a standard Anasi bruider build could be:

Boots | Breastplate of Valour | Void Stone | Ethereal Staff | Soul Reaver | Spirit Robe

[Role-wise, Anansi occupies a similar space to Zhong Kui, Hades, Baron Samedi and other tanky/sustain mages who do well in the solo lane or as supports.

Visual Concept

Anansi is portrayed as a spider, spinning webs as stories and weaving a sack to carry his calabash in. Given that Arachne is already scuttling around the jungles of Smite, Anansi's visual would be more conceptual - a humanoid figure with spider-like features (perhaps more than one set of arms, woven-web clothing, and mannerisms that manifest within his abilities). These could be:

- His ultimate Story Stealer fires out webs from his back to spread across the map.
- His calabash (a gourd-like container) would hang from his side, as he stuffs figments into it as his passive. Activating Plot Twist, his main damaging ability, would make Anansi grab the calabash and smash it. (Think Bacchus' Intoxicate ability.)
- As he fires Mightier Than The Sword his spider persona manifests, pushing enemies back with his many legs and arms
- Given that Anansi has no weapon, per se, his 3rd ability Kwaku Anansi could encorporate part of his spider-like mythos. (How, I don't know!)
- Anansi is a shape-shifter and a trickster god, and although I haven't focused on these elements, they could come into play. I envisage a similar fluidity in his visual as you see in Baron Samedi's visual (given that they share pantheons).

Anansi's Passive, Hoarder Of Stories would show as a gourd-shaped calabash above his health bar, criss-crossed with 10 African-inspired designs which light up as the calabash fills. The designs would fill with a light colour when Anansi stores a friendly figment (from himself or allied gods) and fill with a dark colour when he stores an enemy figment. This would help the player see at a glance how much healing/damage they will get for their abilities.

Concept & Rationale

Anansi is a collector of stories. His kit and concept is entirely built around gathering and utilising those stories, weaponising words to dominate the playing field.

He's played as a bruiser mage, similar to Zhong Kui, Hades and others. Given that his kit contains sustain, healing and soft CC, he's equally at home as a support mage or as a tanky damage-dealer.

I'm not a Smite strategist, nor am I adept at numbers particularly. I've included numbers for his kit to complete the concept, but I'm well aware that some of those numbers might be over - or under - powered. Please don't focus on these too much!

Note: Anansi is NOT a voodoo god, but nor is he of the Yoruba pantheon. Given his popularity in the Caribbean (taken there by the slave trade) and in the same areas that voodoo was profilated, this pantheon seemed most apt.

Also Note: I'm aware of the similarities between Anansi and Zhong Kui, re: the collection of fragments to bolster their kit. I think my concept is unique enough to stand apart from the Demon King, even given their similarities in kit and role.

Lastly, let me know if you get the pun in Ability 1...

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The Mire | January 31, 2021 9:45am
I really love Anansi he is one of my favorite gods and everything about his kit is amazing. But my only problem is the fact that he isnt part of the Voodoo Pantheon Anansi is a Yoruba God
TheBigChahoo | October 27, 2020 8:21pm
okay now this is epic
Toby1066 | April 10, 2020 3:44am
Update 10/04/20 - Fixed spelling errors.
CenturianDoctor | March 31, 2020 2:41pm
sounds really cool
KiddKaiju1994 | February 19, 2020 2:30pm
This is my favorite concept. I hope it's ok that i posted the link to Hi-Rez's twitter account. Never knew we needed a god so bad until i seen this concept
Toby1066 | April 10, 2020 3:43am
Not at all - thanks for your kind words!
boogiebass (46) | January 10, 2020 8:45am
Quite a talented concept. Have you posted this in smite Reddit? I think they get more traffic than we do.
Toby1066 | January 10, 2020 8:19am
10/01/20 - Added Combos and Builds section
Toby1066 | December 9, 2019 2:19am
09/12/19 - Added visual concept for Anansi's Passive, udpated icon for Ability 3 Kwaku Anansi's tales
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