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Apophis by MayhemMoYT

1 Votes


By: MayhemMoYT
Last Updated: Aug 29, 2021
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The Serpent Of Chaos

The Egyptians believe that there was no good or evil. Only Order and Chaos, and they are both required for balance. Apophis hates balance. Apophis is chaos immortalized. He is the king of destruction and storms. And above all he is Ra's immortal enemy. Every night Ra sails through the rivers of night, and every night Apophis tries to devour him, but the other gods are always there to fight him off. Now, however, there is infighting among the gods. Chaos has erupted among them, and no one is watching Apophis. Now, finally, the serpent will get his meal.

Art by GENZOMAN on DeviantArt

Passive Ability

Chaos Energy
When you or a teammate within 20 meters of you hit or are hit with a Critical Hit, you gain a stack of Chaos Energy. When you reach 10 stacks of chaos energy, the next time you are hit by a non basic attack ability, it does not affect you in any way, and uses up all your stacks.


Primary Abilities

Scorching Hiss
Apophis breaths fire in a line in front of him, leaving more fire in the lines wake.

Damage:90/130/170/210/250(+60% of your physical power)
Duration:1 Second

venom launch
Apophis spits a glob of venom into the air, to land upon an enemy, dealing damage and applying a slow.

Ability:Ground Target
Damage:80/115/150/185/220(+55% of your physical power.
Slow:1.5 seconds

Cooldown: 10s
Whirlwind escape
Apophis summons a whirlwind around himself, gaining a movement speed increase and doing damage to all nearby enemies. Firing this ability again causes the whirlwind to continue in the same direction with an illusion of Apophis inside it, while Apophis leaves the whirlwind and gains Stealth.

Ability:Buff and Area
Affects:Self and Enemies
Damage per Tick:10/15/20/25/30(+5% of your physical power.)


Ultimate Abilities

Fury of the Serpent
Apophis slithers up from the ground to strike a mighty blow. Any god hit takes massive damage and a DoT. Any gods nearby take the DoT and are feared.

Ability:Ground Target
Damage:250/300/350/400/450(+70% of your physical power.)


Explanation of my god.

This is my first god concept and it is based off of Apophis from egyptian mythology. Basically just big evil chaos snake that wants to eat Ra.

Visual Look

Physical Appearance
Apophis would resemble a roughly 9 foot tall/long orange King Cobra with wind blowing around his body, and lightning and fire crackling in his mouth.

Ability Appearance
Scorching Hiss: Apophis flattens himself to the ground and breathes out a line of fire from his mouth. The fire remaining on the ground looks similar to the fire left by Agni's dash.

Venom launch: Apophis rears back and spits a glob of green venom into the air, to land at the target location. After landing, the venom flows outward and disappears.

Whirlwind escape: Apophis swings his tail around himself and whips up a whirlwind.

Fury of the serpent: Apophis dives into the ground before emerging at the target location. When he emerges his mouth is open before snapping shut, and agonized screams can be heard faintly when he emerges.

Death: Apophis writhes around before a crack in the earth opens up and he falls into it.

Recall: Apophis breathes fire on the ground all around him, turning it to sand, before burrowing into it and reemerging at the fountain.

Introduction: The river of night washes through your fountain and out of it comes Apophis. The river then disappears.

Jump: Apophis boosts himself off the ground with wind.

Wave: Apophis will lift his tail off the ground and wave it.

Clap: Apophis slaps his tail against the ground in a clapping rhythm.

Dance: Apophis's dance could be him swaying as if he was being charmed by a snake charmer.

Basic attacks
Apophis makes a bite, another bite, then rears his head back and delivers a larger and stronger bite.


Voice:Apophis would have a very raspy and guttural voice. He would lose his hiss when he yells or shouts.
Voice lines
God selection: "Apophisss."

Introduction: "Chaos will reign upon this battlefield!"

Scorching Hiss: "Burn!" "Feel the desert heat!"

Venom launch: "Venom in your veins!" "Death from the inside!"

Whirlwind escape: "Shattering winds!" "Dust devil!"

Fury of the Serpent: "Death to the gods!" "You will be SWALLOWED!"

Buying offensive items: "I will ssswallow them whole." "One bite is all it takesss."

Buying defensive items: "Harden my ssscales." "Not even the sssun can hurt me."

Placing wards: "The EYE of the ssstorm." "I will know your weaknesssess."

Buying consumables: "Like a drink from the Nile." "It won't cure my venom."

I'm the greatest: "I devour all others!"
Awesome: "Chaotic!"
You rock: "You have chaos energy!"
Woohoo: "Storming!"
No problem: "My wrath has not incre***sed."
Curses!: "Blast it all!"

Low health: SSSun... burned...

Jokes: "What'sss the only thing more venomousss than me? Eset!" "What flowsss like water and burns like fire? Acid!"

Taunts: "It looksss like I won't have to worry about Ra'sss guardiansss anymore." "Order? The only Order when I'm done will be the food chain.

Directed Taunts

Serquet: "You call that venom?"

Any storm god: "You think you can control the ssstorm?"

Ra: "Who will you hide behind now?"

Taunts Directed at Apophis

Bastet: How often must I take you down?

Zeus: The storm will always be used for good!

Jormungandr: I have ten times the strength and size of you!

Sobek: Good! I was just getting hungry!

Victory screen: Apophis lurks in the river of night and, as the sun floats past, strikes at it. The sun flees and Apophis chases it. Eventually he catches it, snaps it up, then spits it out before going to drink from the river of night. He then slithers into the river and the victory screen loops.

Defeat screen: The sun floats above Apophis. He glares at it before lunging up at it. The sun shines brighter blinding him. He falls backwards into the river of night which sweeps him away to the left. He reemerges from the right side and coils up under the sun, then the defeat screen continues.

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