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Arachne (Full Rework) by Lillmy

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Arachne (Full Rework)

By: Lillmy
Last Updated: Oct 11, 2020
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Arachne (Full Rework)

The Weaver

Quick Information

I am not really "qualified" to make something like this as I don't know about hero balancing or play smite at a high level.

I like to come up with concepts and I will try to stick to her theme as a web weaving spider assassin. I will also be taking some inspiration from her previous kit.

Reworked Gameplay

Her new gameplay is heavily focused on her spiderlings and web. They have already changed around her whole kit once and changed how she plays, so why not do it again?

Instead of having to snowball hard with little to no catch potential in order to be great for the team, I made her into a god that is able to do well in all stages of the game that excels at catching enemies and swarm them with her spiderlings. But instead of relying on just her auto attacks, she can play more into building for her spiderlings and make them deal the damage if she wishes to focus dealing spread damage. But in the end she is still required to use her auto attacks to have kill pressure.

She can kill either choose to play safe and utilize the strength of her spiderlings for some poke or play aggresive and go in for kill. In teamfights, if she gets a kill she can easily take over the fight with her spiderlings.

Pros / Strong Against:
- Spiderlings to block auto attacks and tank objectives.
- Strong catch potential vs slow/big enemies
- Snowballs Teamfights

Cons / Weak Against:
- AoE damage against Spiderlings
- Easy to peel off
- Weak duelist early

Health: 475 (+71)
Mana: 205 (+45)
Speed: 375 (+0)
Attack Range: 12 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+1.94%)
Damage: 36 (+ 2.2) (+100% of Physical Power)
Progression: 1/1/1.5x

Passive Ability

Broodling Host
Arachne's basic attacks apply a stack of Broodling Host to enemy Gods, causing them to take 2% increased damage from her and her Spiderlings for each stack active on them.

If Arachne or her spiderlings deal damage to the God, all stacks are refreshed.

If an enemy God dies with any amount of Broodling Host stacks, the God bursts open and spiderlings spawn at their location. The amount of spiderlings that spawn is equivelent to the amount of Broodling Host stacks the enemy God had.

Spiderlings will fixate on the nearest enemy and attack them. If the enemy dies or disappears, the spiderling will fixate the nearest enemy instead.

When Arachne reaches level 20, her Spiderling's attacks also apply a stack of Broodling Host to enemy Gods they attack.

Stack Duration: 3 seconds
Maximums Stacks: 3 (+1 more stack at lvl 5/13/20) (lvl 5, 4 stacks / lvl 13, 5 stacks / lvl 20, 6 stacks.)

Spiderling Damage: 12 (10% of your physical power)
Spiderling Health: 50 (+25% of your maximum health)
Spiderling Movement Speed: 375 (+2.5 per level)

Primary Abilities

Spider Nest
Arachne lays down spider eggs at the targeted location. If an enemy steps on the spider nest, all eggs will hatch and spiderlings will spawn, destroying the nest in the process. Spider Nests will produce more eggs the longer it persists on the map.

Arachne may attack the Spider Nest to hatch an egg instantly from the nest.

If a Spiderling is summoned this way, it will guard the nest and attack nearby enemies and retreat back to the nest if the enemy is too far away, it can still be forced to attack an enemy by stunning an enemy with Web Bolt.

This can destory nests.

Arachne can only have 3 Spider Nests active at a time and the Nests last 240s. Placing a new one will destroy the oldest nest.

Spider eggs on deployment: 1/2/2/2/3
+1 spider egg after: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds
Maxiumum Spider eggs: 2/2/3/3/4
Guard Leash Range: 25

Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13 seconds
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Web Bolt
Arachne lobs a ball of web at the targeted location. If the web ball lands on an enemy God, they are stunned. If it lands on the ground, it will create a tangled web at the location, slowing nearby enemies within it's radius. Arachne and her spiderlings gain increased movement speed on the web.

If Arachne stuns an enemy God with the Web Bolt, all nearby Spiderlings will jump to Arachne and fixate on that God.
(Attract Radius is around both Arachne and the stunned God)

Ability Type: Ground Target

Stun Bolt Radius: 5
Web Radius: 20
Spiderling Attract Radius: 50
Stun Duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%
Movement Speed: 22/24/26/28/30%
Web Lifetime: 4 seconds

Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
Cost: 80 mana
Upon activation, Arachne gains increased movement speed for 3 seconds and her next basic attacks will deal bonus damage, slow the target and summon a spiderling that fixates on the struck enemy if it hits an enemy. (A charge is consumed even if her auto attack doesn't hit an enemy)

Ability Type: Stim

Movement Speed: 15%
Attacks: 1/2/3/4/5
Bonus Attack Damage: 30/40/50/60/70 (+30% of your physical power)
Slow Amount: 20%
Slow Duration: 3 seconds

Maximum Bonus Damage: 30(+30%) / 80(+60%) / 150(+90%) / 240(+120%) / 350(+150% of your phsyical power)

Cooldown: 10 seconds
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

Ultimate Abilities

Arachne burrows herself beneath the ground for up to 5 seconds. While burrowed she is invisible, moves faster, removes Slows and Root effects. Arachne may reactivate Burrow to Unburrow.

Unburrowing causes Arachne to after 0.3 seconds, erupt from the ground, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and summon 3 spiderlings that fixates on each enemy hit. Unburrow is automatically activated after 5 seconds if it's not activated manually.

If Arachne hits an enemy God with the Unburrow, all nearby Spiderlings will jump to Arachne and fixate on the nearest enemy.

Ability Type: Area Damage and Buff

Radius: 10
Spiderling Attract Radius: 50
Burrowed Movement Speed: 40%
Unburrow Damage: 190/300/410/520/630 (+50% of your physical power)

Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70 seconds
Cost: 100 mana

The burrow invisibility works much like Loki's Vanish, that he can be attacked but isn't revealed if he takes damage.

Fight Scenarios

Chase Example 1: Arachne is chasing an enemy that is far away without any abilities (enemy is out of mana or just used them).

Begin the chase with Web Bolt to either root or slow the enemy depending on if you hit them or not. Both are great options as they both can close the gap, but if Web Bolt is ranked up, the slow could be the better option as it will not only slow the enemy by a lot, but also speed up you and your broodlings.

Once you feel like you've almost catched up with them, use Skitter to get into attack range and attack them with your empowered auto attack(s) to deal more damage, slow them and spawn a spiderling.

Once they are slowed and close to you, use Spider Nest in front of them or on them to gain more spiderlings to attack them.

After that you should be able to auto attack them down togheter with your spiderlings.

Chase Example 2: Arachne is chasing an enemy that is next to her without any abilities (enemy is out of mana or just used them).

Begin with Skitter to deal extra damage, get spiderlings and slow them to set up for an easy stun with Web Bolt. Once the enemy is stunned, deploy a Spider Nest on top of them and auto attack them with your spiderlings.

Gank Example (After lvl 5): Arachne is ganking the duo lane

Start wtih Burrow right before entering the lane if possible to come up to them sneakily. Land on the target least likely to escape or most likely to die first, follow up with Spider Nest and Skitter to get more spiderling, if they are already locked down with any cc or you need to save Skitter to catch up to the other enemy God, only use Spider Nest and start auto attacking to gain stacks of Broodling Host.

Once the enemy dies and more spiderlings have spawned, turn to the other enemy and if they are in range, use Web Bolt to redirect all Spiderlings onto that enemy, if they are far away, use Skitter to get closer to them so you can land your Web Bolt.

If you land Web Bolt, they are pretty much garaunteed dead. But if you narrowly miss it, you should be able to catch up anyways as the slow and movement speed bonus are great for chasing.

Teamfight Example (After lvl 20): Fighting around the fire giant

As late game comes close, one thing you want to do as Arachne is to place down your Spider Nests in places where you think the enemy will walk into around objectives, so if a fight is about to occur around the Fire Giant, you already have 1-3 Spider Nests placed out around the area with 4-7 eggs ready to be activated.

Once the fight starts, you can either play to summon spiderlings and have them deal with the enemy while you stay furhter back, or you can go into the enemy backline with Burrow to try and quickly kill an enemy backline.

Safe & Spiderlings:
Attack your Spider Nests to summon spiderlings, once they have spawned, land a stun on an enemy God with Web Bolt (If you miss it then all those spiderlings that are standing near their nests won't go and attack).

Aggresive Example: Begin by using Blink onto a carry or walk up to them from behind. If the enemy is a bit tougher and has more health, summon a Spider Nest on them and start with a few normal basic attacks to stack upBroodling Host. After stacking your passive on them, use Skitter for the extra damage on basic attacks and to summon more spiderlings.

If the enemy will blow you up fast but is very squishy, start with the Web Bolt to stun the God, follow up with Skitter for some high damage. Then auto attack them down or abort the assassination attempt.

Then to escape, use Burrow to get out safetly and rejoin your team, or if you see the opportunity to strike on another backline enemy, move over to them, Unburrow and start attacking the enemy, your spiderlings that you gained from Broodling Host, Spider Nest, Skitter and Burrow will focus on the enemy, which should burn them down very quickly.

Feedback is appreciated and I would like to know what you who read this far (or just scrolled down) think of this concept or how you feel about current Arachne.

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