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Ashokasundari by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 1, 2021
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Goddess of imagination

Ashokasundari is a daughter of shiva and parvati being born from the tree of wishes kalpravriksha. She was destined to marry a man but caught the eye of a demon who wanted her. She rejected the demon telling him her destiny to marry some one else so the demon took the child version of her future husband and tried to kill him but his own servants betrayed him and ran off with the baby. Ashokasundari was then abducted by the demon in anger and told her that the demon killed her future husband. Said husband grew up and learned of his destiny and fought and slew the demon and married Ashokasundari.

Passive Ability

Kalpravriksha seeds
Being born from the tree of wishes kalpravriksha when Ashokasundari dies she leaves behind a seed that gives hp to allies over time.

Primary Abilities

Curse of the demon
Ashokasundari creates an area in front of her that dmgs enemies and polymorphs them into demons. If invis enemy is hit they are revealed and stunned. After ability lands Ashokasundari leaps backwards to safety.
Wishes granted
Ashokasundari roots all nearby enemies then she can select to either stun, explode the root which deals DMG, or knock up all rooted enemies. This also allows her to either heal allies, give Mana, or give gold.
Crushing salt
Ashokasundari sends forward a wave of salt that pushes enemies back and deals DMG to them.

Ultimate Abilities

Ashokasundari summons the garden she was born in as well as the tree of wishes kalpravriksha. This charms enemies and dmgs them. If enemies get close enough to the tree of wishes it roots them and deals DMG over time. Garden heals allies over time. Garden lasts 5 sec.

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