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Atlas by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 2, 2021
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Holder of the heavens

Atlas, one of the titans was condemned by zeus to carry the weight of the sky on his shoulders to make sure with never touched the earth otherwise it would end the world. Atlas fought with his brothers against zeus when the titans and gods fought each other.

Passive Ability

Clouds haze
Holding enemies in the sky make it so enemies can't DMG anyone and enemies can only be dmged by atlas. This destroys their protections.

Primary Abilities

Weight of the sky
Atlas makes the sky touch the ground. This shields and heals allies. Enemies are stunned and dmged when trying to carry the weight of the sky.
Gravitational pull
Atlas throws the sky sphere forward and grabs enemies hit. This includes allies. Enemies are dmged and pulled towards atlas. Are also slowed. Allies are healed and shielded. Pulling enemies towards atlas heals a portion of their hp.
Titan body
Atlas grows in size a gains 50% of his current hp. Atlases range and DMG is also increased. Becomes cc immune when growing. Size increases with level of other ability. Boosts DMG of abilities as well.

Ultimate Abilities

Heaven meets earth
Atlas let's a large portion of the sky. This heals and shields allies as well as give a speed boost to them. Enemies are stunned and dmged as well as slowed. Atlas then carries enemies to his current position and spits all enemies out of the sky. This increases atlas's protections and heals him per enemy.

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