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Ayao by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 18, 2022
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Orisha of the whirlwind

Is the orisha of whirlwinds and was taught by Osanyin about plants and the forest. Has nine stones used in her spells, wields a crossbow, and has a giant snake around her.

Passive Ability

Nine stone charge
Every 9 BAs that hit an enemy grant Ayao increased attack speed, movement speed, and increased power for 3 sec.

Primary Abilities

Snake snare
In a line forward Ayao sends her snake and if it hits an enemy they are stunned and take dmg. Stun lasts for 1.5 sec. For 5 sec after casting gains attack speed and BAs now poison enemies hit. If an enemy is killed with this ability or the poisoned BAs this abilities cooldown is reset to .5 sec.
Guiding wind
In an area around herself Ayao can select an enemy or and ally. Upon doing so she fires a wide blast of wind through the selected god. Allies hit by it are healed and gain movement speed. Enemies are slowed and take dmg. Heals herself based on healing given to allies and also gains movement speed.
Feather glide
Upon casting leaps forward in a direction of her choosing then glides forward and is able to turn. Lasts for at least 3 sec and when landing gains a shield and throws feathers around her. These deal dmg and slow enemies hit.

Ultimate Abilities

Eye of the tornado
Upon casting summons a tornado around herself and gains a shield. The tornado deals dmg over time to enemies and Lifesteals from them. Has 1.5 sec to recast to send the tornado forward and dash forward with it or to not recast and just send the tornado. Deals dmg and knocks up enemies hit by the center and allies hit by the center will be healed.

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