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Ayyappan by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Lord father

(couldn't find or think of a better title then this. It's very strange) ayyappan another son of shiva being smart and strong at the same time and considered a god of war.

Passive Ability

Warriors heart
Switching between sword form and bow form increases his health by 15%. Any buffs gained in one form are extended if switching to other form.

Primary Abilities

Bow form: animal mounts
Tiger mount: Ayyappan summons his tiger to run in a line. Can select a target when cast. Tiger will stop on first enemy hit if there is no selected target. If the tiger hits an enemy they are crippled and applied bleed. The tiger can hit multiple enemies if there is a selected enemy and doesn't stop until the targeted enemy is hit by the tiger. This deals extra dmg and gives a greater bleed effect. Tiger passive: every third BA cripples and bleeds. Horse mount: Ayyappan summons his horse and sends it forward in a line. Is faster then the tiger. Horse stuns and dmges enemies hit and won't stop when it hits the first enemy.Horse passive: Every third BA stuns. Elephant mount: Ayyappan summons his elephant and it charges in a line which is much larger then the horse or tiger and every step trembles enemies in a certain radius of the elephant. If the elephant hits enemies they are grounded. Elephant passive: Every third BA knocks back enemies hit.
Bow form: disrupting bell
Throws his bell forward and upon landing gives off sound waves that dmg and slow enemies in the area it lands. Lasts 3 sec and interrupts any channels and lasting effects on enemies.
Bow form: focused mind
Ayyappan focuses his mind and rolls forward this allows him to deal bonus DMG for the next 5 sec. Gains increased speed as well. bow form: gains increased attack speed and 10% lifesteal.
Sword form: sword sweep and arrows target
Ayyappan charges his sword becoming stationary and takes 15% less DMG while charging. After done charging sword he releases a 180 degree swing that deals DMG based on charge and cripples as well. Enemies hit by sword sweep are marked and Ayyappan then fires an arrow at marked enemies which slows them and poisons.
Sword form: yogi fists
Ayyappan charms all nearby enemies and in a cone in front of him he punches rapidly life stealing 5% hp from enemies hit. At the end of the punches he sweeps the width of the cone and silences enemies hit.
Sword form: focused mind
Ayyappan focuses his mind and rolls forward this allows him to deal bonus DMG for the next 5 sec. Gains increased speed as well. sword form bonus: roll has longer range

Ultimate Abilities

Bow form/ sword form
Ayyappan switches between sword form and bow form. Gains movement speed when switching.

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