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Last Updated: Jul 2, 2024
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Angel Of Death

Azrael, the angel who is responsible for the death of humans. His scythe have the mighty power to take ones life and end their journey. He will always make sure that each death is not painful. Once the deed is done, he will guide the soul so that it won't get lost. He will guide them to the gate to be judged whether the soul is worthy of passing the Gates Of Heaven or will be thrown to the Pit Of Hell. The Death Angel, just like any angel cannot be seen but, he will reveal himself once someone's life is about to end and their soul will be taken away and lifted by Azrael. No one knows when he will come and can know when he will come as it is the biggest secret to human life.

Azrael is also one of the few angels who are able travel between Heaven and Hell for a purpose. One of them is to make sure that Hell isn't destroyed and wrecked as God won't let anything that is created be broken unless it has been decided by Himself that it has been time to be destroyed. But Hell is an important place too keep balance of the "Other World".

Azrael is special as he is given the powers to not be able to die since he is death itself unless he is destroyed by his own creator and is the only one who is able to kill angels and demons. But, despite all those powers, he is not allowed to kill freely and must follow the rules or else, he will lose his powers.

Passive Ability

Life Collector
Ability: Passive
Affects: Self

If Azrael kills a jungle monster, he will get 1 Soul (2 Souls if he kills an Enemy God) up to a maximum of 20 stacks.
Fake Death
Ability: Passive
Affects: Self

Once Azrael's HP is drained to 0, he won't die but, be put in a deep sleep. After 10s, he will wake up and this doesn't count as a death. Once he has woken up, his Max Health will be reduced by 5% and his Magical Power by 5%.

When he is put in a deep sleep, he will be teleported inside the nearest jungle camp from him and hides there. Any Enemy God that sees him can still target him and if he's attacked once, he will then experience true death.

Primary Abilities

1) Life Or Death
Ability: Special, Area, Stun, Heal
Affects: Enemies and Self

Azrael will create two doorways (one is white and one is black) that leads to two different results.

If Azrael goes to the black doorway, a dark circle will be created in front of him and will finish after 0.6s (Azrael can't move during this process). After the circle is finished, enemies inside will get stunned and deals Damage.

If Azrael goes to the white doorway, he will heal himself every second after 1s of going inside the doorway.

Damage: 120/140/160/180/200 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1 second
Heal: 80/90/100/110/120
Heal Duration: 3 seconds
Cost: 65/75/85/95/105 Mana
Cooldown: 14 Seconds
2) Life Sword
Ability: Buff, Area, Slow
Affects: Enemies and Self

Azrael will take out his sword, giving him bonus 5% Movement Speed. His next basic attack will get enhanced. His enhanced basic attack will make him leap at the enemy, dealing Damage.

Recast: Azrael will spin, dealing Damage and slowing 8% Movement Speed to enemies nearby.

Ability Damage: 100/120/140/160/180 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Enhanced Basic Attack Damage: 100/105/110/115/120 (+45% of your Magical Power)
Slow Duration: 1.6 seconds
Bonus Movement Speed Duration: 4 seconds
Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 Mana
Cooldown: 16 seconds
3) Unseen Death
Ability: Dash, Stealth
Affects: Self

We don't know when death comes. Azrael will fly forward and turn invisible right after he flew. (Cooldown will start after he finishes turning invisible).

Duration: 3.5 seconds
Cost: 50 Mana
Cooldown: 7 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

4) Soul Lifting
Ability: Target, Slow, Burst, Stun
Affects: Enemy God

Azrael will take out his Scythe and targets an Enemy God. The Enemy God that he is targeting will get slowed 8% Movement Speed. At this point, Azrael is still targetable. After 2s, Azrael will swing his Scythe to his target, lifting one's soul, dealing 100% Target's Max Health Damage. In order to do this, Azrael needs a full 20 stacks of Souls and it will consume those Souls after he uses it.

If Azrael dies before the Soul Lifting happens, the target won't deal any Damage but instead, the target will get stunned.

Damage: 100% Target Max Health
Stun: 2.2 seconds
Cost: 250 Mana and 20 Stacks Of Souls
Cooldown: 90 seconds

Voice Lines and Interactions

Voice: Would sound like an arrogant teenager


God Selection:
"Azrael" (Have a small pause after saying Az.)

"When the time has come, I shall guide them."
"Alright, whose life should I be taking now?"

Life Or Death:
"Different doors, different outcomes."
"Will you die, or will you live?"

Life Sword:
"My blade shall kill you."
"Taste my sword."

Unseen Death:
"Be prepared for death!"
"I can never be seen. No one can see me. No one knows when death comes. Only father knows the time."

Soul Lifting:
"Your time has come!"
"You shall die!"
"Your soul is mine!"
"Don't be scared! I'll guide you. Just where, is the question."

"Death comes whenever it's time."
"When will you die? Only Father knows that."
"When is your time? When you can already see me of course."
"Try to kill me. That is if you can. Is it even possible?"

Buy Offensive Item:
"What can this thing do? I'm already strong enough by myself."
"My my, let's prove whether this thing is better than my scythe or no?"

Buy Defensive Item:
"If I'm too tired to evade, this can come in handy!"
"Is this a joke? It's not like death can die. Well, whatever."

Placing Wards:
"Thought so. My night vision is better."
"I may not need this, but I guess my allies does."

Buy consumables:
"What's this? Potions? Man, I'd rather have support from the boys."
"Man, Raphael's aid is way better."

Low Health:
"Can I really die?"

In A Killstreak:
"Too easy of a job."
*Lasughs.* "What do you expect? I'm death itself after all."
"Yup. Once unbeatable, stay unbeatable."

Killing Jungle Boss:
"I'm disappointed. I thought this thing would be harder than humans."
"Not gonna lie, HE is definitely harder than this creature."

Destroying A Tower:
"You should visit Heaven once in a while. Buildings there are way better than this ugly thing."
"You call this a tower?"

"I'm not really dead... am I?"
"This is just a dream... right?"
"Is this real?"

"You all really like to fight the unbeatable huh?"
"How does it feel to be doing the impossible? Bet you're at your limit!"
"Oh no... I'm dying! Ahhhh!" *Laughs.* "Oh, that's funny!"
"Plan on killing death itself? How?"

Directed Taunts:
Thanatos: "That's a cute little scythe you have."
Anubis: "First Thanatos, now you? Am I the only one who is good at this job?"
Baron Samedi: "You look like the most amateur one out of the rest."
Izanami: "Aren't you too beautiful for this job?"
Zeus: "King Of The Gods? I know a God and He is definitely better than you."
Hades: "Gotta admit, your hell is definitely worse than the one created by... THAT guy."

Taunnts Towards Azrael:
Thanatos: "We are nothing alike!"
Anubis: "Don't be so arrogant, little death!"
Izanami: "Don't get ahead of yourself just because you're a man."
Sun Wukong: "Gods and Angels. They're all the same!"
Persephone: "I forgive you for shaming my home, but not for shaming my husband."

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