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Baba yaga by Laythounfeline

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Baba yaga

By: Laythounfeline
Last Updated: Nov 27, 2019
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Baba yaga

The forest witch

Utility kidda bruiser mage.
Her abilities are focused around her passive and 3

Passive Ability

Fresh potions
Baba yaga can only buy 1 type of potion from store, the other slot is reserved for her own made potions (double clicking them in the shop while out of fountain and combat) . Ingredients have a chance to appear in the map and baba yaga can picking them up if she's within 10 unit away from it. The ingredients are:
herb (80% chance to appear in random location within 100 unit of baba yaga),
bone (60% chance to appear near a recently dead minion)
warcry (40% chance to appear near a god, exculding yourself, who use an ability)
ambrosia (20% to appear near a dead god)
Baba yaga can create 8 different types and allies can buy them from shop for 500g if baba yaga made them at least once.
Leech seed juice (5 herbs) : 15 health each second for 25 seconds and 10% lifesteal from basics and abilities
Bone powder (5 bones) : 20% damage mitigation for 10 second
Wind in a jar (5 warcries) : extra 15 range for mobility abilities
Immortality (5 ambrosia) : unkillable for 2 seconds
Spike leaves (3 herbs + 2 bones) : abilities and basics deal dot damage for 6 seconds
Golden swiftness (3 bones + 2 ambrosia) : 60 movement speed for 5 seconds
Whispering (3 Warcries + 2 herbs) : abilities and basic attacks don't do sound effects for 10 seconds
Lyre essence (3 ambrosia + 2 Warcries) : able to hear abilities from further distance

Primary Abilities

Wicked grasp
Baba yaga lauch her broom forward, dealing damage in a line and rooting enemies in the way out, before returning to baba yaga dealing 75% of the damage and pulling enemies towards her. The broom will picj up any ingredient it encounter
Harsh lesson
Baba yaga slam her stick dealing damage in a line to all enemies, if she hit an enemy a random ingredient will drop near them.
Potion testing
Baba yaga throw one of her potion effecting a 25 unit area
Leech seed juice (5 herbs) : create a stealth area that last for 30 second
Bone powder (5 bones) : create a dot damage area that deal damage and percentage True damage while slowing by 15%
Wind in a jar (5 warcries) : deal burst damage while knowk backing enemies
Immortality (5 ambrosia) : nothing can die inside this area including objectives with the exception of structures and titan. It last for 4 seconds
Spike leaves (3 herbs + 2 bones) : create a ring enemies movement blocking area for 4 seconds
Golden swiftness (3 bones + 2 ambrosia) : summon 8 Skeletons over 4 seconds. This skeleton die after taking 2 instance of damage and can't lifesteal from.
Whispering (3 Warcries + 2 herbs) : create a huge area where enemies are deaf. (can't hear in game sound effects)
Lyre essence (3 ambrosia + 2 Warcries) : a 3 second mez followed by 30 slow while moving away from baba yaga

Ultimate Abilities

Baba yaga selected a enemy in which she had vision on,Before summoning her hut releasing a global heard cry and start chasing him leaving beging her a movement speed buff in the direction of her movement (like kled ult from lol). Within 50 unit of her target her hut leap before crashing at the enemy dealing damage stunning him and knock backing enemies away and throwing 3 random potions (doesn't effect baba yaga's potion). The hut change target to the nearest target. if the target dies . Baba yaga is damage and cc immune


Baba yaga damage output is in the lower end of mages. But the utility she gave is unrivaled by any god. Her best combo is to hit her 2 on most possible gods before using her 1 to collect the loot. Then you need to reserve the ingredients to create the potion you need, for damage cc or utility. Her ult is very good to hanks, start teams fights. CD and bruiser items are her favorite items


Baba yaga is an important figure in Slavic mythology playing the role of an antoginist or supportive character in many Mythos. This is my concept for her before her official release this season

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