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Bagheera by Sovix

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By: Sovix
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2024
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The Shadow Vigilante

For years, Bagheera was the invisible protector of the jungle, watching from the shadows for the welfare of her land and those whom she considered her family. Born in captivity and released from the jungle, Bagheera knew human suffering before discovering wild freedom. Throughout his life, he fought fiercely to protect Mowgli, the "human cub," and forged an unbreakable bond with him, as well as defending peace in his home from enemies such as the dreaded Shere Khan and treacherous Kaa. As a born hunter, Bagheera has perfected her skills to move through the shadows, attacking with lethal accuracy, and always securing victory in the hunt.

But peace in the jungle is never lasting. With the appearance of strange divine energies, Bagheera noticed that her world was about to change. The gods, eager for power and domination, began to plot their plans to extend their influence over the jungle and beyond. Shere Khan was one of the first to be tempted by chaos, entering the game of the gods, seeking to hunt in the heavenly realms. Feeling the growing threat, Bagheera decided not to be left behind. If the gods were to drag her family and home into their conflicts, she would take it upon herself to maintain balance and defend the freedom she cherished. With Mowgli also entering the divine arena, Bagheera knows her role is more crucial than ever: protecting what she loves most, hunting down her enemies, and proving that even the gods can fall under the grip of a true hunter.

Passive Ability

Stealth hunting
Bagheera gains invisibility when out of combat for 5 seconds. While invisible, gains additional movement speed and its first attack when out of stealth slows the enemy

Slow: 35%
Slow duration: 1.5 sec

Primary Abilities

Shadow Blow
Bagheera makes a long jump towards a direction. If it hits an enemy, it will make an extra hit that slows the target. If the enemy is alone it deals additional damage, but if the enemy is close to one of their allies, Bagheera will gain movement speed for a while.

Damage (first hit): 70/100/120/150/180 (+40% of your physical power)
Damage (second hit): 40/65/90/115/140 (+30% of your physical power)
Slow: 27.5/30/32.5/36.5/40%
Slow duration: 2s
Additional damage: 60/90/120/160/190 (+50 of your physical power)
Speed buff: 10/15/20/25/30%
Buff duration: 2/3/4/5/6s

Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 15/14.5/14/13.5/13s
Intimidating Roar
Bagheera roars with force, weakening nearby enemies and reducing their attack speed and physical power. If the enemy god is alone it will only reduce his physical defense, but if he is accompanied apart from reducing his physical defense also apply cripple and root to them.

Damage taken increase: 15%
Physical power debuff: 5/10/20/30/40
Attack speed slow: 10/15/20/25/30%
Protection Reduction: 5/10/15/20/25
Root duration: 1.5s
Debuffs duration: 4.5s

Mana: 65/75/80/85/90
Cooldown: 20/19/17/16/15s
Stalking from the Shadows
Bagheera goes into a stalking state for a few seconds, giving him additional speed and allowing his next basic attacks ranged. These attacks project jungle energy claws that reach enemies at medium range, dealing additional damage. If you hit an enemy god with these ranged attacks, Bagheera recovers a small percentage of health.
If Bagheera uses another ability while in the stalking state, this ability’s cooldown is reduced.

Speed buff: 20/25/30/35/40%
Stalking duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s
Heal: 3% of maximun health when hitting a god/1.5% of maximun health when hitting a minion.
Cooldown reduction: 1s per ability.

Mana: 45/50/55/60/65
Cooldown: 12s

Ultimate Abilities

Hidden Predator
Bagheera enters stealth hunting mode, becoming completely invisible and gaining movement speed for a while. It can jump towards an enemy, attacking him multiple times and inflicting critical damage to him and all the enemies around him, revealing itself at the end of the attack and jumping back.
Pasive: Bagheera gains increased critical strike chance and basic attack damage.

Damage per strike: 50/100/130/160/190 (+45% of your physical power)
Number of strikes: 4/5/6/7/8
Hunting mode duration: 4/4.5/5/5.5/6a
Speed buff: 35%
Critical strike chance: 0/5/10/15/20
Basic attack damage: 10/20/30/40/50

Mana: 100
Cooldown: 100s

True Pantheon

Bagheera would actually belong to a new pantheon focused on world literature, this being the literary pantheon.

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