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Bai Gu Jing by ZingZang1235

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Bai Gu Jing

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 17, 2022
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Bai Gu Jing

White bone spirit

Is a villain in Journey to the West. In it she disguises herself as a young woman and tries to get Tan Sanzang alone so she can eat his flesh and become immortal. Only Sun Wukong sees through her disguise and kills her which angers the rest of the group as they believe Swk killed a random girl. Then Bai Gu Jing disguises herself *** an old lady claiming to be looking for her daughter who everyone thinks Swk just killed. Swk sees through the disguise again and kills the old lady. Then Bai Gu Jing disguises for a third and final time as an old man claiming to look for his wife and daughter then gets killed. Tan Sanzang has enough and punishes Swk with the headband and then banishes him from the journey until Swk is needed to save them again from a different demon.

Passive Ability

Body possession
Whenever an enemy is killed by or is assisted in dying by Bai Gu Jing it leaves behind a corpse for 5 sec. If Bai Gu Jing uses one BA on it she can posses the corpse. If she successfully does so she becomes untargetable and unable to be affected by cc for 1 sec and can't move. She is then healed for 10% of the enemy corpses max hp and resets her ability cooldowns to 1.5 sec. Possessing the corpse lasts for 10 sec and makes her look exactly like the god that died. Casting abilities reveals her true form but BAs do not. Her BAs can become ranged but do not mimic anything else. Waiting 10 sec makes the corpse explode dealing dmg but casting an ability early makes it do 15% more dmg.

Primary Abilities

Fake corpse
In a line forward Bai Gu Jing sends forth a fake body that upon arriving at max distance or hitting an enemy god it stops and explodes once every 3 sec dealing dmg and slowing enemies hit. Also taunts them for .7 sec with every wave of dmg. Sending the body forward sends her spirit backwards and she becomes invisible and unable to be afflicted by cc for 1 sec. Invis lasts for 3 sec and gains movement speed. If she possess a corpse this ability is reset to 0.
Rattling bone swiped
In a line forward Bai Gu Jing dashes and swipes with her nails dmging, crippling, and trembling enemies hit. If she has or has less then 49% hp she heals herself for 20% of the dmg dealt. This ability has 2 charges and can be cast immediately before or after another ability. If she hits an enemy god she ends the dash behind the first one hit but still hits all enemies in the line.
Bleeding nails
Passive: every BA has a base amount of bleed dmg applied to them. Every BA afterwards on the same enemy increases the dmg and duration up to a cap of 5. can apply bleed with abilities. Active: In a circle around herself Bai Gu Jing swipes her nails. This dmges enemies hit and reduces their physical protections by 15%. Gains attack speed afterwards for 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

False enemies
Upon casting becomes cc immune and selects an area. Upon doing so Bai Gu Jing sends forth illusions of herself at the area and enemies in it are targeted. After casting and starts sending illusions can move the area but slowly and blinds enemies hit by the illusions. Enemy can only see illusions when blinded. Can be hit out of ult with hard cc. If the illusions hit an enemy they deal initial dmg then dot for 3 sec. Can send 1 illusion every sec for 3 sec. Recasting early or waiting for full duration allows the real body to become one of the illusions and when the real body hits an enemy they take increased dmg, are applied the max bleed from 3 passive, and are silenced for 1.5 sec. Blind lingers afterward for .5 sec.

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