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Baihu by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jul 15, 2022
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White tiger of the south

Is a white tiger. Represents the direction west and autumn.

Passive Ability

Tigers claws
Every third BA or ability 2 deals bonus dmg and lifesteal. Also strikes faster. Grants bonus attack speed for 1.5 sec against the same enemy hit.

Primary Abilities

Gorging pounce
Selects an area and leaps towards it. Upon landing swipes their claws around them in a circle dmging, crippling and bleeding enemies hit. Gains movement speed afterwards for 1.5 sec. Also gains bonus power per enemy hit for the next 3 sec.
Ferocious fangs
Leaps forwards a little bit and bites down on enemies in range. Automatically leaps to nearest enemy again if not close enough. This deals dmg based on missing hp, slows, lifesteal, and applies bleed. All effects are boosted if 2 basic attacks were used on the enemy hit first.
Bloodthirsty rage
Roots themselves for .5 sec and enrages themself. This effect lasts for 5 sec. Being enraged grants increased movement speed, attack speed and causes all bleed effects from abilities to lifesteal and last longer. Also increases passive dmg by 15%.

Ultimate Abilities

Hunting tiger
Upon casting gains a massive increase in movement speed and runs on all fours. Can not stop immediately must recast and has a .5 sec delay. Lasts max 5 sec. Hitting an enemy while running dmges them based on their missing hp and max hp. Cripples them and applies bleed as well. Gains massive increase in lifesteal towards the enemy hit. Turning while running is decreased. Can run over walls max 3. Can be stopped early by dmg or cc.

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