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Baron Criminel by ZingZang1235

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Baron Criminel

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 6, 2024
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Baron Criminel

The First Prisoner

God Description

Passive Ability

Pursue the Perpetrators
Baron Criminel gains increased movement speed and lifesteal towards enemy gods. This effect is doubled against enemies with half hp.

Primary Abilities

Chain Gang
Baron Criminel throws a arm cuff attached to a chain in a line forwards. Stops upon hitting an enemy god. This deals dmg and acts as a tether for 1.5 sec. Gains movement speed towards the tethered enemy. After 1.5 sec passes and the enemy is still in range Baron Criminel pulls the chain dealing dmg and slowing the enemy.
Unleashed Convict
Baron Criminel teleports to a location of his choice. Doing so chains him down to his original casting position. Nearby enemies when he arrives are rooted. During this time his BAs deal bonus dmg, cleave, and have increased attack speed. Can be in this state for 5 sec before automatically teleporting back to his casting position. When this occurs Baron Criminel is silenced for 1.5 sec.
Heavy Shackles
Upon casting slams two chains down at an area. This deals dmg. The area they cross deals bonus max hp dmg and slows. This ability can activate BA related item effects once. This abilities cooldown is reduced with successful BAs.

Ultimate Abilities

Crush the Criminals
In an area around himself Baron Criminel marks all enemy gods as criminals and becomes cc immune while doing so. This reveals them even when invisible if they are within a certain radius of Baron Criminel, take 10% increased dmg from all sources, and grant 10% increased gold and exp when killed. This lasts 5 sec. Baron Criminel then gains increased attack speed, movement speed, and full passive effects as well for the same duration. Duration is refreshed upon killing an enemy god. Heavy Shackles and chain gangs cooldowns are reduced while in this state as well.

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