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Benzaiten by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 2, 2022
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Sutra of Golden Light

Is a goddess of music and patron of artists, writers, and dancers. Holds an instrument called a biwa and has a white snake around her. Was worshipped as the personification of wisdom.

Passive Ability

Strung along
Every 3 sec in combat Benzaiten gains plus 5% of her total power. This stacks up to a cap of 5 times. Lasts 3 sec out of combat.

Primary Abilities

Musical charm
In a line forward Benzaiten plays a note from her biwa and if it hits an enemy it deals dmg and charms them. Charm lasts 1.5 sec. Benzaiten s next ability to hit the charmed enemy deals 15% more dmg and slows the enemy hit.
White viper bite
In a line forward Benzaiten sends her snake out and if it hits an enemy they take dmg based on missing hp and it ignores 20% of enemies protections. It also applies poison dmg to enemies and cripples them. If this kills the enemy the cooldown is refreshed and it deals even more dmg and slows on the next cast.
Dancing rhythm
Benzaiten dances and creates an area around herself that dmges enemies over time and slows them. She grants herself and allies in the area movement speed. The last tick of dmg knocks up enemies hit and deals the most dmg. This also heals Benzaiten and allies in it over time. Lasts 3 sec

Ultimate Abilities

Torii gates
In an area of her choosing Benzaiten summons a torii gate. She has 15 sec to recast this ability and summon another gate. The recast gate sucks in enemies dealing dmg over time, crippling, and slowing enemies hit. If it's summoned on top of an enemy they take dmg and are stunned. 1.5 sec after the second gate is summoned enemies near it are teleported to the other gate. Then for the next 3 sec allies can go back and forth the gates but enemies cannot. If they try they are stunned and dmged again. If an enemy goes through the gates they have 33% of their protections shredded for 3 sec and when they come back out they are stunned for 1 sec.

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