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Beowulf by Auscarsy

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By: Auscarsy
Last Updated: Aug 29, 2021
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Hero of the Geats

Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, King of the Danes, whose great hall, Heorot, is plagued by the monster Grendel. Beowulf kills Grendel with his bare hands, then kills Grendel's mother with a giant's sword that he found in her lair.

Later in his life, Beowulf becomes king of the Geats, and finds his realm terrorized by a dragon, some of whose treasure had been stolen from his hoard in a burial mound. He attacks the dragon with the help of his thanes, but they do not succeed. Beowulf decides to follow the dragon to its lair at Earnanæs, but only his young Swedish relative Wiglaf, whose name means "remnant of valour",[a] dares to join him. Beowulf finally slays the dragon, but is mortally wounded in the struggle. He is cremated and a burial mound by the sea is erected in his honour.

When he awakes he is in a strange land. People with powers far beyond comprehension and monsters from the furthest reaches. Beowulf is at home when he is handed his weapon and asked to fight amongst the rest of the warriors present, The Hero of the Geats rises once again.

Passive Ability

Fighting Fair
If the opponent you are attacking has physical protections equal to, or exceeding your own, you gain 10% physical power and 10% Physical Penetration increases when attacking that target.

Primary Abilities

Beowulf inspires his allies, giving them and himself increased attack speed and increased movement speed.
Strong Arm Strike
Channels for 2 second before striking downwards and hitting an opponent extremely hard. During the Channel, movement speed is increased by 10%. When the downward strike hits. Any enemy god caught in the radius is launched upwards.
Geat Wrestling
Beowulf rushes forward and disarms an enemy god for 4s, he rushes through roots and obstacles during this ability.

Ultimate Abilities

I. Am. Beowulf!
Beowulf wields the sword he used to defeat the Mother of Grendel. Releasing an AoE of Magic Damage upon Unsheathing the sword, and for the next 40s, all basic attacks and physical damage abilities are swapped to magic damage until the ability ends and the sword melts as it had long ago.

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