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Bia by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2022
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Goddess of power

Bia another sibling of nike and kratos and has one last sibling. She is also under zeus's rule and is the goddess of force and power. Was the only one strong enough to place the spikes that bound prometheus to a rock in tartarus.

Passive Ability

Instead of using mana Bia uses her power to cast abilities. This demporarily decreases her power by 1% whenever she loses a stack of power from ability costs. Every 5 the ability cast instead grants Bia bonus power and decreases enemies power when hit with that ability. Lasts 3 sec.

Primary Abilities

Orbs of power
In a 110 degree cone in front of Bia she fires orbs of pure power that deal increased DMG after the next orb lands. Can fire more orbs if ability is leveled up. Automatically tries to distribute the orbs evenly amongst enemies if they aren't hit by her before. If they are then the orbs will try to seek out those enemies.
Center of gravity
Bia cripples all nearby enemies and pulls them closer dealing DMG over time. Then after 1.5 sec she flings enemies away dealing DMG. This increases Bias magic prots for 5 sec based on the number of enemies affected by this ability.
Force of will
Bia selects an area and if enemies are in it they are lifted into the air for 1.5 sec and then slammed into the ground becoming crippled and slowed for 3 sec and take dmg. Gains movement speed if this hits an enemy and if allies are underneath of the area when enemies are dropped they gain movement speed and a shield.

Ultimate Abilities

Collective minds
Bia starts to channel gathering the power of nearby enemies and allies. This lasts for max 3 sec and makes Bia become cc immune. Then Bia can fire all the gathered energy into a giant beam that lasts for 1.5 sec. Deals DMG, slows, cripples, blinds, and gives Mana back to allies and their power. The power enemies lost will return in the next 3 sec.

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