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Bigfoot! the Multi-Pantheon Legend! by Mossflayer

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Bigfoot! the Multi-Pantheon Legend!

By: Mossflayer
Last Updated: Dec 24, 2023
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Bigfoot! the Multi-Pantheon Legend!

Hairy Giant

Bigfoot! A Creature from nearly every culture on Earth!

Dual Class!
Due to the passive-aggressive nature of Bigfoot I tried making the concept more Passive Ability oriented, meaning Bigfoot would receive a list of passives depending on which path it chooses at the start of a match.

Passive Ability

Paths of Nature

At the start of the game, Choose a Path; Assassin, or Guardian.

Guardian Path (Female) is granted Magical Scaling

Assassin Path (Male) is granted Physical Scaling

Dreaded presence
Both Paths

Every second Bigfoot is not in combat (with an enemy god), and near an enemy God within 120 units a bar fills, 1s = 16%, once full the next time Bigfoot damages an enemy god, they are feared for 0.5s, depleting the bar.

Master of the Environment
Both Paths

Bigfoot's Keen Senses enables it to utilize enemy wards within 120 units of Bigfoot's current location.

All gods leave trails Bigfoot can track for a duration within 80 units, while Bigfoot also leaves a trail that Enemy gods can track.

Only Bigfoot can see gods detected by enemy wards.
Disabled during Shadowrun.

The Ward vision and Trail decays over 8s

Master of Survival
Guardian Path

Bigfoot's stealthy nature enables her to go undetected by enemy Wards. Bigfoots icon appears at random locations on the minimap.
She is still affected by Sentry Wards, revealing god abilities, and traits.

Siwash Noodle

Guardian Path

Basic attacks from Bigfoot hit an additional 3 targets on the first 2 swings for 60% of the damage dealt, prioritizing enemy gods. The final swing deals 2x damage to a single target.

The Siwash Noodle, along with; Curse of Siwash! Comes directly from a story from a Chilliwack Tribe, in British Columbia.

Described as a strange tool resembling a snake, it was used by a Female Bigfoot to curse a hunter for mistaking her friend for a bear and shooting him (A seemingly normal boy who was probably abducted by bigfoot and stuffed inside a log for unknown reasons) The results of the curse were debilitating, and he was to never harm another bear again.

The Douglas Tribes have MANY stories, a good read for those interested in these subjects.
Guardian Path

When Bigfoot receives an assist, she gains a stack of 5 physical/magical protections in an aura, up to 5 stacks. Each stack provides Bigfoot with an additional 3 mp5/hp5. being hit by an enemy gods auto-attack removes 1 stack, damaging god abilities remove 2 stacks.

MP5/HP5 PER STACK: 3/6/9/12/15
Ridge Devil
Assassin Path

When Bigfoot kills a Jungle Camp or Monster, he gains a stack of 6 Physical Power, up to 5 stacks. Each stack provides an additional 3 mp5/hp5 stacks grant no basic attack penalty Bigfoot's basic attacks and abilities remove 1 stack. Being hit by enemy gods auto-attacks remove 1 stack, damaging god abilities remove 3 stacks.

POWER PER STACK: 6/12/18/24/30
MP5/HP5 PER STACK: 3/6/9/12/15

Primary Abilities

Throw Rock

Assassin Path

Bigfoot employs the use of the mighty stone, aiming for the head to injure and daze his prey, slowing and staggering them by 80%. The rock shatters upon enemies behind the main target for 70% damage. Breaks stealth if used in Shadowrun.

80/90/100/110/120(+60% of Physical Power)

Shadowrun (Orb)

Assassin Path

Shadowrun - Bigfoot calls upon ancient medicines and enters stealth. Bigfoot cannot track god movements during Shadowrun, but he can still use some abilities. Taking, or dealing damage will end the ability.

Orb - 16s after casting Shadowrun, Bigfoot can turn into an Orb, removing roots, becoming immune to slows, and gaining increased movement speed for 6s. Bigfoot returns to normal once the effect has ended. Using one ability places the next corresponding ability on cooldown. Bigfoot cannot attack or use abilities while in this state

COST: 100/95/90/85/80

Many tales and experiences from different cultures describe strange shimmering blurs in the forest and attribute them to some spirits, portals, and even Bigfoot. Some tribes believe Bigfoot can walk between this world, and the underworld at will.

Despite not having any creature directly resembling a bigfoot, there are other creatures within some Algonquin tribes, and some Western European tribes, which share common traits with Finnish stone spirits!

The European stories of Hairy-man/Wild-man, and the Scandinavian tales of Trolls, evolved from the creature we describe as Bigfoot today!

Bigfoot, and Orbs are synonymous. I tend to think where orbs are, they are, at any particular time. Some West Coast and Canadian tribes say they turn into orbs when they are traveling!

Inhuman Scream

Both Paths

Bigfoot lets out a bone chilling roar, weakening enemies!

Assassin Path: Enemies within range of this ability take 10% extra damage from Bigfoot. Does not break stealth. Can be used while in Shadowrun.

Guardian Path: Enemies have their damage reduced by 10% for a short time.

COST: 60
COOLDDOWN: 14/13/12/11/10s

Many folktales and eyewitnesses tell tales of Bigfoot letting out bone chilling screams in the night, whether it is directed at people or something else entirely it sends even the bravest of men running, a frightful experience to be sure. Some researchers speculate Bigfoot uses some form of infrasound! NEAT! ...and spooky...

Summon Orb

Guardian Path

Bigfoot summons an Orb for herself or an ally god or minion, protecting against the next 3 damaging basic attacks or abilities from enemy gods, the orb grants enhanced vision enabling the target to see and attack through obstacles.

COST: 80

Siwash Curse

Guardian Path

Bigfoot slams the Siwash Noodle on the ground, cursing an enemy god in an ancient tongue. When the Cursed enemy damages another ally god or minion, the damage is instead directed towards Bigfoot.

COST: 80

Ultimate Abilities


Both Paths

Bigfoot summons a portal at its current location. Bigfoot must then snatch an enemy god and carry them through the portal, once Bigfoot successfully carries an enemy through, they are then taken back to the location Bigfoot initially snatched them, setting distance between them, and the portal. Enemy gods are dealt 20 (+1 Per Level) Magical Damage per second while within the plane. Both gods can only remain within the plane for 20s.

Should Bigfoot, or the enemy, leave the plane, those that fall behind will remain for 3 seconds before returning.

Affected gods may be freed early by escaping back through the portal, or by killing Bigfoot. Gods being carried cannot take damage. Ally gods can save the victim early by interrupting Bigfoot, or by running into the portal themselves before bigfoot reaches it, gods that do so only stay within the plane for 3s before returning.

Hitting CC immune gods, or being interrupted mid-carry via knock-ups, silences, or stuns will cause Bigfoot's primary third ability: Inhuman Scream to activate, causing the created portal to be destroyed. Can be used while in Shadowrun, breaking stealth upon snatching an enemy god.

ADDITIONAL DAMAGE: 20/30/40/50/60
COOLDOWN: 80/76/72/68/64s

There is an old Finnish folktale which describes findings oneself in a different plane, it describes of what to do, should you happen to walk in and find yourself trapped within. Similar tales are told among some other ancient human cultures from around the globe. Kinda spooky...

Intro into Bigfoot Lore

Apart from the tidbits in the ability descriptions, and what I write here, there is enough lore on the creature and subject to fill countless volumes and books. In most Canadian and American Indian cultures this creature is not just a myth, or Legend, but a flesh and blood animal, often on the same totem pole alongside other animals including humans. In some southwest desert tribes (among others I'm sure) Bigfoot is seen as Humanities Big Brother, the first born of the creator.

This being, usually known in the States as Bigfoot or Sasquatch, is a widespread oral tradition that predates writing, and even cave paintings! Spanning continents, cultures, and languages alike, all having their own unique names and interpretations based on the experiences they've had with the beings. Some few cultures around the globe even depict the creature as a sort of major or minor god of nature, or just powerful spirits, the latter being precursors to some angels in the bible. All cultures seem to share key commonalities, making it more than mere coincidence however. FACINATING!

All over the globe in remote (and not so remote) regions, people go missing, not even scent hounds or professional trackers can find a trace! (Some of these tracking dogs can scent a body under around 9ft of earth!) Folktales abound warn of the "Boogeyman" or the "Night People" beings that snatch up victims wondering alone in forests and hills, in the night, or by broad daylight! Perhaps it is Bigfoot after all, or something more sinister that we've yet to discover.

This is one of many resources talking about the subject and phenomena among other earie topics! This Link is a theorem on why so many cultures around the world might describe the same creatures such as Bigfoot.

Here is a very fascinating story from the Chehalis Native Peoples of Washington! Here and Here.

Enter the Bigfoot!

In North America alone, indigenous tribes have hundreds of names describing this being. as an example, the Cherokee themselves had 2 names for the being, and what may be a potential third as the god of the hunt. Nun Yunu Wi (Stone Man) and Kecleh-Kudleh (Hairy Savage) While the god of the hunt was called Tsul 'Kalu (Sloping Giant)

In Honduras Mexico, they called them Sisimito (near where the Mayans once lived). If you travel further south into the South Americas, there are about 6 different names for the creature, likely more, but scholars assume that the Spanish conquest, and continued forced conversion/loss of traditions due to the continuous encroachment, deforestation, and spread of "modern" society and Abrahamic religions, has resulted in the loss of this knowledge. It is still happening to this day.

In China they are called Yeren, or Yeti in Tibet, Mande Barung in India. Theres more but we'll keep this short. Asia is huge, with many different languages.

Hibagon is the name given to a similar creature in Japanese folklore! Nippon Samsquamch!

In the Middle East (In parts of what could potentially have once been Babylonia) There is a creature known as Sulawa, which is speculated to be the origin of the Succubus monster! Enkidu, Gilgamesh's wartime comrade, was a Wildman! The Sulawa of course shares habits and behavior with Bigfoot from some Canadian tribes. Stealing men, and children, and... Moving on... (getting boiled alive with hot rocks doesn't sound fun)

The Giants described in Abrahamic religions, especially the angelic human-angel hybrids known as Nephilim in the Bible and Tanakh. And the People of Ad from the Quran. These go without mention. Although these cultures moved away from, and in many cases, shun their more aboriginal roots, you can trace many of their traditions and stories back to common themes Described in older cultures throughout parts of the globe, most notably the Sumerian and North African cultures.

Slavic countries such as Poland, Ukraine, and Russia even have their own Bigfoot, the name given "Abominable Snowman" or famously, "The Yeti" comes from Russia! Almasty is the name most familiar in Russian I think. While Mecheny is the name given to the creature in some indigenous Siberian tribes.

Almas of some Caucus languages in many parts the Caucus Mountains!

Australia has the Yowie!

Even Hawaii and many African tribes have their own bigfoot like creature!

Sasquatch, or Sabe, from Canada! (There are literally hundreds of names across the Americas, if I listed them all this would be a much larger...

In Europe there are also several names, most of which translate to the same thing as their eastern, or New World counter parts: Hairy man, or Wildman. The notorious "Troll" From most European and Germanic folktales was originally based upon the Hairy Giants! Ywain, a knight of Arthurs Round Table, befriends such a creature! Describing the beast as an incredibly large, ugly, and hairy man, dubbing it, "Waldschrat" which my research has found to be German for Troll, or Hairy Giant! The Norse had similar names, and due to the closeness of Germanic and Old English languages, they most likely called them by very similar names (if not the same names) When the Vikings of old came across North America, they encountered and fought the creatures!

This link talks about several versions of Bigfoot like creatures from around the world! The Chinese government has a vested special interest in the Cryptid, how strange!

Bigfoot could theoretically be put into Any Pantheon.

Bigfoot could be released as a Standalone Native American deity. Or placed within the long dead Mayan Pantheon under the Name: "Sisimito" Making skins/recolors alone for the other pantheons, and regions, would be enough to stylize him for said pantheons.
Bigfoot could be placed within the Arthurian Pantheon, as not many people know that pre-Christian Europeans also had a long oral tradition with these creatures. (even though the Arthurian Legend is a highly Christianized story which had taken much inspiration from both old Norse, and Celt legends.

Personally, I would place them within the Sumerian pantheon. Enkidu is unique among other Wildmen, even within Sumerian mythos, as he was made specifically by the gods to humble Gilgamesh, however they later became best friends. His story ends with him being cursed by the gods, and later dying from it. He held a fear of the underworld, and resentment towards the gods for what they had done to him (this could be a neat segue to bring Enkidu into smite (he also had a neat hat). The female counter part for the dual class hero of course being none other than the man-eating(and potentially man-raping) Sulawa of ancient Mesopotamia.

As for appearance, it ranges on region greatly... well not that great. (Giant hairy humans)

Resembling a hairy man, having either a normal shaped head or a conical cranium (new forensics from what little photographical and video evidence we have, has shown them to actually be ponytails), Bigfoot has been described in folklore and eyewitnesses as being anywhere from a 3ft tall (likely young individuals) to a 14ft behemoths! Having ranges of hair color to that of humans! Although most folklore does not describe their eyes, most eyewitnesses say they're orange or solid black orbs.

For Smites purposes, we can use the lesser described individuals, the tall gray variants with orange eyes. (Pics related, credit to whoever drew em)

As my knowledge on this subject increases, epecially concerning Native American lore, so will this concept be updated.

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Aniyunwiya | April 3, 2022 6:18pm
Great concept!
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