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Brahma by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2023
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God Description

Passive Ability

Whenever Brahma dies he instead is restored to full hp and becomes a golden egg. If the egg reaches 0 hp it is destroyed and Brahma dies; however, if Brahma stays as the egg for 8 sec he revives with 50% of his hp and mana and all cooldowns except ultimate are reset. Reviving also creates a dmging swirl of energy around him that deals increased dmg based on how much hp the egg had remaining when he revives.

Primary Abilities

Theory or Guna: Tamas
Upon casting this ability Brahma gains bonus movement speed and empowers his next BA for the next 3 sec. Using empowered BA sends forth a dark projectile in an arc. Upon landing it roots all enemies hit and deals dmg. Then 3 sec later the area explodes dealing dmg and stunning enemies hit. When this dark area lands nearby allies gain movement speed towards it whilst it persists and gain power upon touching the area. Brahma automatically gains the bonus power if it hits an enemy god.
Theory of Guna: Rajas
Upon casting in an area around himself Brahma invigorates himself and allies granting attack speed, healing over time, and movement speed. Allies are also made invisible only if they stay in this area. The first time an ally enters this area they are cleansed of cc and this persists for .3 sec.
Theory of Guna: Sattva
Upon casting this ability all base abilities and ultimate change.

Theory of Guna: Tamas changes into Theory of Guna: Sattva: The Immovable Rock. Upon casting selects an area and a rock crashes down from the sky. This knocks up enemies hit and acts as terrain. Allies in an area around the rock gain attack speed whilst enemies are slowed.

Theory of Guna: Tamas can also change into Theory of Guna: Sattva: The Patient Mantis. Upon casting Brahma dashes forwards and gains an empowered BA whilst dashing. Can use this BA while dashing and upon doing so he deals dmg and then using mantis claws Brahma grabs the enemy god and throws them behind him.

Theory of Guna: Rajas is changed to Theory of Guna: Sattva: The Savage Stream. Upon casting in a line forwards Brahma summons a river. Any enemy hit while the river is summoned take dmg and are rooted. Allies that stand on the river gain a shield over time. If an ally reaches max shield value they gain bonus protections.

Theory of Guna: Rajas can also change to Theory of Guna: Rajas: The Wild Monkey. Upon casting Brahma leaps up into the sky and hangs on a tree for 2 sec before automatically dropping to his cast position. Whilst hanging Brahma can use a BA to swing to an area and crash down dealing dmg and slowing enemies hit.

When this ability is cast Theory of Guna Tamas and Rajas change to Theory of Guna: Sattva: the Immovable Rock and The Patient Mantis. These abilities can be switched again to Theory of Guna: Sattva: The Savage Stream and The Wild Monkey by casting this ability again. Using ultimate ability cancels the selection. Each ability has a separate cooldowns but Theory of Guna: Sattva gains increased cooldown with each usage of an alternate ability.

Ultimate Abilities

Passive: whenever Brahma or a nearby ally kills a unit it has a chance to drop its soul or atman. Brahma can walk near it to pick it up and doing so grants a stack. This ability gains different effects based on the amount of stacks and resets to 0 when Brahma dies.

Active: upon casting Brahma selects a section of the map and 3 sec later a massive storm of meteors falls down on it dealing missing and max hp dmg and stuns any enemy hit. If Brahma gains 25 stacks of passive size of ability increases and it deals more dmg. If Brahma gains 50 stacks this ability now takes 5 sec to land, but deals increased dmg, has increased size, has increased cast range, and has a lower cooldown. If Brahma has 75 stacks has all previous buffs and executes enemies and stun duration if longer but cooldown is increased. If Brahma dies and loses stacks while this ability is on cooldown it's cooldown is not modified at all.

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