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Caishen by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 5, 2021
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God of money

A dude with a black tiger, a golden boat in his hand, and every night the dude stalks you like santa giving good luck and fortune to people's houses with a fat golden frog with three legs. Also people can envoke him and maybe give themselves luck by plastering his face on doors.

Passive Ability

Banks gold
Can go into debt in money based off of level.

Primary Abilities

Coin roller
Rolls a giant coin forward that will explode upon impact with enemy gods slowing them. Allies can gain gold from being hit by giant coin.
Golden transmutation
In an area around him turns enemies into golden statues which roots and stuns enemies dealing dmg. Each statue can explode if attacked by Caishen dealing more dmg.
Fortunes favor
In an area around him gives a random buff to allies and curses enemies
This also charms enemies and they take dmg over time. The curses gives a random status effect to enemies and those effects are greatly increased from other sources.

Ultimate Abilities

Greater transference
Caishen rides his black tiger which gives him constant movement and movement speed buff for 5 sec. Every third BA instantly turns enemies into statues. If tiger hits enemies stuns them and deals dmg. If tiger hits statues they explode as well. Can steer the direction of coin roller with tiger.

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