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Charon by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2023
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The Ferryman of Hades

Carries the souls of the dead on his boat across the river Styx but requires payment.

Passive Ability

Payment of the styx
Basic attacks on enemies apply a mark of payment. This reduces that enemies protections by 3%, steals 3% of their gold, and increases his lifesteal against that enemy by 3%. This effect can stack up to 5 times. Once max stacks are reached reduces an additional 5% of protections, takes 5% of their gold, and grants 5% more lifesteal. Grants himself movement speed, physical dmg, and armor penetration when all 5 stacks are reached. This lasts 5 sec but can be reset if the five stacks are reset on the same enemy.

Primary Abilities

Paddle swing
This ability has 3 casts. Each cast makes Charon spin his paddle around him in a circle dmging and slowing all enemies hit. Deals more dmg and applies passive if enemies are in the front half of ability. The last cast makes him spin twice, deal increased dmg based on enemies max hp, and apply 2 stacks of passive.

This ability is empowered while Charon is mounted. When cast he dashes forwards a little with each swing and deals more dmg. Last cast makes Charon swing multiple times as he dashes forwards. Deals dmg multiple times and increases slow each time as well.
Oar smack/Boat crash
Oar smack: upon casting gains movement speed for 5 sec. Empowers his next BA to make him leap forwards and slam his oar down in an arc. This dmges and slows all enemies hit. If enemies are hit by the end of the oar they take more dmg, are knocked up, and gain a stack of passive. Gains attack speed afterwards for 3 sec.

Boat crash: oar smack changes to boat crash while Charon is mounted. Upon casting, in a line forwards dismounts himself and sends the boat. The boat dmges and tosses enemies behind it if they get hit. Enemies are slowed upon landing.
Ferrymans boat
Can only use on an enemy that has all 5 stacks of passive on them. Selects an enemy with all 5 passive stacks and after a .5 sec cooldown a pool of water appears underneath them and Charon's boat appears dmging and knocking up enemies. If the enemy with all five stacks is hit by the boat they are forcefully put in it and are carried along with the boat for 1 sec. The boat then dashes to Charon's location and any enemy in it's path is dmged and knocked aside. The carried enemy then leaves the boat as Charon mounts it instead. Being grabbed and dropped by the boat does dmg as well.

Charon can be mounted on his boat indefinitely. While mounted gains increased movement speed, increased protections, increased hp, and whenever an enemy is hit by Charon it applies 2 stacks of his passive. Charon can be dismounted if he takes 40% of his max hp while mounted.

This ability gains a different cast while mounted on his boat. Ferrymans boat: while mounted on his boat Charon can use this ability to spin it multiple times dmging and slowing enemies hit. Deals more dmg based on enemies missing hp.

Ultimate Abilities

The river styx
Upon casting this ability mounts his boat even if no enemy has all 5 passive stacks. Then in an area around himself he grants movement speed to his allies towards himself. Roots himself and for 3 sec allies can also mount his boat with him. Takes 3 of their gold when they do so. Then by using a BA or waiting the 3 sec, selects a direction and dashes forwards in a massive line and summons the river Styx. Any enemy hit is carried as well and take dmg based on their missing hp. Allies gain a shield when dashing with Charon and can choose to dismount at any time. When Charon hits a wall or the end of the dash range he stops and knocks away any enemy carried with him dealing dmg again. The river lingers for the next 5 sec granting attack speed and movement speed to all allies on it including himself. Increases passive while standing on it and enemies gain passive stacks constantly while standing on the river.

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