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Charybdis by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 2, 2021
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Jaws of death

(ive already made morgan Le fay so I thought why not make versions of all the other gods supposedly joining smite for season 8) the monster that represents whirlpools and slowly drags ships to it's mouth at the center and kills them all. Charybdis lives with scylla and sailors have to choose to either sacrifice one sailor for each of scyllas heads or try to sail around charybdis's mouth.

Passive Ability

Serrated teeth
Abilities and attacks on enemy gods occasionally leave teeth in them. This applies bleed and slows them.

Primary Abilities

Watery maw
Charybdis sends forth water and teeth in the shape of a sharks mouth. Once it hits an enemy they are rooted and applied bleed. Once free of root is crippled and can leave teeth inside of affected enemies.
Whirlpool of teeth
Charybdis makes an area suck in enemies and have teeth spin along side the whirlpool. Once an enemy gets to the center of the whirlpool the inner circle is chomped. This deals DMG and instantly deals all bleed DMG that enemies have on them.
Suction leap
Charybdis leaps forward and opens his monstrous mouth. Upon landing instantly gives teeth to nearby enemies and stuns them. Also deals DMG.

Ultimate Abilities

Jaws of death
Charybdis becomes cc immune and rises up into the air. In a large area around him he pulls in enemies and life steals from them teeth are spinning as well. Once an enemy reaches the center if below 20% will eat them which executes them and adds 2 sec to ult duration. Ult lasts 5 sec.

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