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Chimera by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Aug 9, 2021
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Multiheaded monster

Has the head of a lion a ram and a snake for it's tail. Has wings and the body of a lion.

Passive Ability

Tri head attack
First ba is from lion deals most dmg. Second ba is from ram and slows enemies by 5%. Third ba is from snake and deals it's dmg over 1.5 sec.

Primary Abilities

Lions lunge
Has three casts of this ability. Chimera leaps forward crippling and dmging enemies. Third cast also slows and bleeds enemies. Gains a cast after killing or assist.
Ram rampage
Chimera charges forward for 5 sec. Hitting an enemy deals dmg and knocks them up. Landing applies slow. Gains speed and dmg if not hitting anything.
Snake spit
Fires a poison glob that slows and poisons enemies in it. Pool of poison lasts 5 sec. If an enemy is underneath it when it lands roots them.

Ultimate Abilities

Primal fury
Chimera boosts it's next ability cast to deal.additional effects. Gains increased movement speed and BA dmg and attack speed. Boosted lions lunge: applies third cast on all three casts. Deals increased dmg and has increased range. Rams rampage: knock up lasts longer, deals more dmg, and knocked up enemies land in front of chimera. Snakes spit: fires five globs of poison that are larger and deals more dmg over time. Deals increased dmg when it lands. Root lasts longer.

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