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Chisongzi by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 8, 2021
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The Lord of Rain

I know that there is an anime version of this guy, but the version I remember from another movie is he was a fat guy with a lot as big as him on a carriage and he literally used a spoon to throw it over the side and that was how rain was made children.

Passive Ability

Condensations gift
The more enemies are hit by Chisongzi's abilities the more Healing Rain heals.

Primary Abilities

Split water
Chisongzi would water out of his pots creating a river in a line in front of him. This pulls enemies towards him and slows them if standing on the river.this turns Chisongzi's BA's into ranged attacks dealing one third less dmg. River lasts 5 sec.
Boiling water
Chisongzi boils his pots for 5 sec heating his spoons to deal double dmg. All attacks and abilities apply burn.
Healing rain
Chisongzi summons clouds above him to heal allies if under rain. The rain marks enemies hit by the rain to take two thirds more dmg from him for 3 sec.rain slows enemies as well.

Ultimate Abilities

Torrential rain
Chisongzi calls his carriage and takes to the skies. He dumps water over the sides as his carriage dashes in one direction it leaves a path of clouds that slow and dmg enemies underneath them. Lasts 6 sec. Can crash down from carriage to deal more dmg.

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