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Circe by Iinux

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By: Iinux
Last Updated: Oct 9, 2020
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Goddess of Sorcery


I am the goddess, Circe, a divinity with the divine right to rule this world. Yet these mere gods dare to defy me. Call yourself warriors for peace? Know that peace only comes from the natural order and that is magic over mortal, choose magic and rule. Choose the mortals and die with them.

Concept Description:

Circe is the epitome of a mage, shifting the tides of battle with spells and rituals of devastating power. Circe provides her team with the ability to deal a large amount of damage in Small AoEs allowing for highly effective single target damage and to an extent area damage. She's also able to apply crowd control and debuffs to enemies making her effective as a support as well.

Concept Inspiration and Ability Descriptions are featured down below her Abilities.

Passive Ability

Olympian Magic
Circe consumes magical energy to use her abilities. Upon receiving a kill or assist Circe generates 15 energy. If Circe generates above 50 energy she gains a stack of Divinity, each stack gives her magical penetration. Additionally her abilities receive effects depending on how much energy she has accumulated. Cooldown reduction increases her energy generation. Her abilities deal 20% less damage if used at 10 energy or less.

Energy Regeneration: 10 per 5s
Maximum Energy: 100
Magical Penetration per stack: 2%

Primary Abilities

Obedience of Circe
Ability Type: Cone
Range: 45
Circe forces all enemies infront of her to submit to her will, dealing damage. Enemy minions and jungle monsters are turned into beasts if killed, following Circe and attacking all enemies near Circe. If Circe is above 50 energy this ability also drives gods to madness, polymorphing them, increasing in duration per stack of Divinity. Additionally, enemies deal less damage to Circe when affected by this ability.

Damage: 100/160/220/280/340 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Maximum Beasts: 1/2/3/4/5
Attack per hit(Beast): 30/45/60/75/90 (+10% of your Magical Power)
Health (Beast): 150/300/450/600/750 (+15% of your Maximum HP)
Damage Reduction: 10/10/15/15/20%
Polymorph Duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s
Energy Consumption: 20

Cooldown: 12s
Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
Ability Type: Buff
Range: 55
Radius: 15

Circe levitates above the battlefield, increasing in movement speed and being immune to slows. Her basic attacks are replaced with arcane blasts that deal damage in an area and deal 10% less damage with every arcane blast, additionally her attack speed is increased by 100%. If she’s above 50 energy the movement speed is increased per stack of Divinity. Additionally Circe is unable to use her other abilities when levitating

Damage: 30/50/70/90/110 (+20% of your Magical Power)
Movement Speed: 15/30/45/60/75%
Energy Consumption: +5 every 0.25s

Mana: 10 +2/2/3/3/4 for every 0.25s
Arcane Hex
Ability Type: Ground Target
Range: 60
Radius 17.5

Circe summons a hex, cursing target location, enemies caught in the area are instantly hexed while taking damage. The hex either drains their mana for the duration or deals damage every time the enemy uses an ability. If above 50 energy the duration is increased and applies a slow for each stack of Divinity.

Damage: 70/125/180/235/290 (+75% of your Magical power)
Land Damage: 40/70/100/130/160 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Ability Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+25% of your Magical Power)
Mana Drain: 20% of current mana.
Hex Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s
Slow: 10/15/20/25/30%

Energy Consumption: 25

Mana: 60/70/80/90/100
Cooldown: 13s

Ultimate Abilities

Circe's Will
Circe summons a powerful ritual, receiving damage mitigation and targeting an enemy god, taking control of the enemy god, increasing their power and movement speed. Upon either the enemy god breaking from Circe’s control or the ability duration runs out, Circe deals damage to target god and all enemies nearby. Each stack of divinity increases this ability’s duration. Additionally Circe is unable to be hit when controlling an enemy god.

Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 (+70
% of your Magical Power)
Damage Mitigation: 50%
Power Buff: 5/10/15/20/25%
Movement Speed: 10/15/20/25/30%
Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s

Energy Consumption: 40

Mana: 80/85/90/95/100
Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70s

Ability Descriptions

Passive: Olympian Magic

Her passive Olympian Magic allows her to summon more powerful spells but a greater cost, each ability consumes energy and the ability is amplified depending on how much energy she has accumulated. This indirectly only allows her to use 1 greatly enhanced spell in a short span as her generation of energy is rather slow but can be increased by Cooldown reduction.

Ability 1: Obedience of Circe

Her first ability brings her iconic(and lore inspired) ability to change enemies into loyal beasts that enforces Circe's will. This ability gives her incredibly strong wave clear if used properly as she can already at level 1 summon beasts to aid her in clearing and fighting enemies.

Ability 2: Levitation

Circe's second ability is inspired by Pele's Magma Rush, it allows her to levitate, giving her increased movement speed while also allowing her to unleash AoE basic attacks. This ability however consumes energy overtime and will heavily drain her if she uses it for too long.

Ability 3: Arcane Hex

Arcane Hex is a rather unique ability in that it does introduces a new negative effect, 'Mana Drain' while also reintroducing Nox's Old Ultimate giving her more options to choose on how she wants to deal with her enemies.

Ability 4: Circe's Will

Her ultimate brings her aptitude to control the battlefield to a new degree, by controlling an enemy god for a short duration allowing her to make her enemies fight each other instead of her.

Ability Inspiration

Concept Inspiration:

- Yemoja - Omi Passive
- Cu Chulainn - Rage Passive

Ability 1
- Hera - Ability 2: Polymorph
- Thanatos - Passive: Harvester of Souls

Ability 2
- Pele - Ability 3: Magma Rush

Ability 3
- Enchantress's Arcane Hex ability from the Injustice 2 game
- Nox - Old Ultimate

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